Day: September 16, 2022

Jax.Network has surpassed BSV hashrate

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jax.Network, a blockchain merge-mined with Bitcoin, has gained around 1,200 Phash/s, which is two times higher than the average hashrate per day of Bitcoin SV (BSV), which has 568.87 Phash/s at the moment of writing. The project is right on track to outcompete Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with its 1.43 Ehash/s. […]

Swakop Uranium Launches Sustainable Development Report Highlighting Milestone Achievements on Multi-dimensional Practice

WINDHOEK, Namibia, Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Swakop Uranium (the “Company”), a subsidiary of China General Nuclear Power Corporation(CGN), recently released its 2021 sustainability report in the Namibian capital, Windhoek. The report detailed the company’s performance and practices in Namibia, while also highlighting official statistics and social responsibility undertakings. Ms. Kornelia Shilunga, Deputy Minister of […]

Global Times: Xi’s key visit to C.Asia shows China’s strategic vision, charms SCO summit with ‘hopes, opportunities and certainty’

BEIJING, Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese President Xi Jinping is now paying his first foreign visit since the COVID-19 pandemic to Central Asia, and to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit. This major diplomatic activity has drawn attention around the globe and charmed the key multilateral event in Samarkand with frequent bilateral meetings […]

‫تجسد العلامة التجارية الجديدة والهوية المرئية التزام الشركة طويل الأمد تجاه المستثمرين الدوليين وتسليط الضوء على تفاني فريق الاستثمار وتركيزه على إنشاء حلول استثمارية مبتكرة منذ عام 1999. 

نيويورك، 16 سبتمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة  InterVest Capital Partners ، المعروفة سابقًا باسم  Wafra Capital Partners ، وهي شركة رائدة في إدارة الاستثمار في قطاعات التمويل المهيكل ورائدة في المنتجات الاستثمارية المتوافقة مع الشريعة الإسلامية، عن تغيير علامتها التجارية الرئيسية اليوم. بدأت  InterVest Capital Partners ، التي كانت سابقًا قسم التمويل […]

Wafra Capital Partners Rebrands as InterVest Capital Partners® 

The new brand and visual identity exemplify the firm’s long-standing commitment to international investors and highlight the investment team’s dedication and focus on creating innovative investment solutions since 1999. NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — InterVest Capital Partners, formerly known as Wafra Capital Partners, a leading investment manager in structured finance verticals and a […]