Innovating to Impact: Dentsu Unveils New Global Brand Proposition Drawing Upon 120 Year Heritage

Dentsu, Innovating to Impact
Dentsu, Innovating to Impact

TOKYO, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dentsu, today announced the launch of its new global, client-facing, brand proposition, “Innovating to Impact”, marking a significant milestone in the company’s storied 120-year plus history. The new go-to-market brand encapsulates dentsu’s commitment to driving growth through innovation, leveraging the collective strengths of transformative creativity, media, data, and technology.

Created through a collaborative effort of many dentsu teams around the world, “Innovating to Impact” reflects dentsu’s dedication to delivering outcomes that not only drive business growth but also generate a positive effect on people, society and the world.

“Our new branding is a bold declaration of our unwavering commitment to innovate in pursuit of outcomes on behalf of our clients,” said Hiroshi Igarashi, President & Global CEO, dentsu. “At dentsu, we are not content with simply following trends; we aim to set them. ‘Innovating to Impact’ is our promise to our clients, our incredible people and the communities we serve, that we will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible through experience and business transformation.”

The launch is the next stage in dentsu’s mid to long-term strategy and its positioning as an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world’s leading organizations. Dentsu brings the best of both worlds to clients: individual global leadership brands that can deliver deep expertise, and the ability to tie those services together to deliver a multiplier effect for clients as dentsu.

A Dentsu Creative team, headed by Riccardo Fregoso, Chief Creative Officer Dentsu Creative Italy, led development of the tagline “Innovating to Impact”, along with a new brand manifesto. The design look and feel of the new brand was produced by the multi-award winning Dentsu Inc. team in dentsu Japan, led by Executive Creative Director, Yoshihiro Yagi, one of Japan’s most internationally awarded, art-based creatives.

“For over 120 years, innovation has been a core tenet of dentsu’s offering; it is in our DNA and within the very culture of our teams around the world. Innovation for dentsu is both an open mindset as well as a systematic approach, helping clients approach their business transformation in new ways,” commented Jean Lin, Global President – Global Practices, dentsu. “Dentsu is truly unique in the market, sitting at the convergence of marketing, technology and consulting. When we combine innovation with a laser focus on driving outcomes, we bring together the best of our capabilities to deliver integrated growth for brands who want something different from the traditional model.”

Dentsu’s new brand will be further showcased at the Cannes Lions Festival in June 2024, with dentsu Beach House programming and design reflecting the principles and positioning of “Innovating to Impact”.

For more information about dentsu and the new GTM brand, please visit: Innovating to Impact

Team credits:

Dentsu Creative Italy

Riccardo Fregoso, Chief Creative Officer
Stefano Battistelli, Executive Creative Director
Francesco Epifani, Executive Creative Director
Cristiana Bregni, Art Director
Santiago Cancela, Copywriter

Dentsu Inc., Japan

Yoshihiro Yagi, Executive Creative Director
Tsubasa Adachi, Creative Director
Haruko Tsutsui, Creative Director
Hiroyuki Kato, Art Director
Natsuki Tomoda, Art Director
Miyuki Ito, Copywriter
Mariko Fukuoka, Copywriter
Shintaro Murakami, Digital Technologist

About dentsu

Dentsu is an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world’s leading organizations. Founded in 1901 in Tokyo, Japan, and now present in over 145 countries and regions, it has a proven track record of nurturing and developing innovations, combining the talents of its global network of leadership brands to develop impactful and integrated growth solutions for clients. Dentsu delivers end-to-end experience transformation (EX) by integrating its services across Media, CXM and Creative, while its business transformation (BX) mindset pushes the boundaries of transformation and sustainable growth for brands, people and society.

Dentsu, Innovating to Impact.

Find out more:


Matt Cross

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000951315

AUDIENCEX وAlMashtal تقيمان تحالفًا استراتيجيًا وتدشنان AUDIENCEX KSA

يجمع التعاون بين استراتيجيات الدعاية المتكاملة لدى AUDIENCEX والوصول إلى وسائل الإعلام متعددة القنوات والخدمات الإبداعية القائمة على التكنولوجيا مع التميز الإبداعي المحلي من مساحة المشتل المجتمعية الإبداعية AlMashtal Community House وحاضنة المشتل الإبداعية Creative Incubator.

يمثل تحالف AUDIENCEX الاستراتيجي مع AlMashtal الفصل التالي في رحلة الشركة لتحقيق النمو في السوق السعودي، مما يعظم تواجد الشركة الحالي وتأثيرها في المنطقة.

فينسيا، كاليفورنيا،, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  أعلنت اليوم AUDIENCEX، شريك الدعاية الرقمية المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي الذي يهدف إلى تحقيق الاستفادة القصوى من أداء حملات الدعاية للعلامات التجارية والوكالات، عن تحالف استراتيجي مع AlMashtal، وهي حاضنة إبداعية مجتمعية كائنة في الرياض مخصصة لتوسيع آفاق الإبداع في المملكة وتعظيم اقتصاديات الإبداع المحلية.

وإلى جانب ذلك، تلتزم كلتا الشركتين بتوفير حل متكامل يجمع المهنيين الكائنين خارج المملكة العربية السعودية إلى جانب المبدعين المحليين الواعدين الذين يشكلون في الوقت الحالي جزءًا من مجتمع AlMashtal. ومن خلال استغلال خبرات فرق الإبداع الدولية إلى جانب المعرفة الثقافية بالمبدعين السعوديين المحليين، يوفر هذا التحالف حلاً شاملاً مخصصًا لتلبية احتياجات العلامات التجارية والمسوقين الباحثين عن تفعيل حملات حقيقية وتعظيم التأثير والتوسع الإقليمي والدولي.

سوف يوفر التعاون مجموعة شاملة من خدمات الإبداع المتكاملة إلى العلامات التجارية والمسوقين في المملكة العربية السعودية وعبر أنحاء منطقة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، من استراتيجية العلامة التجارية إلى إعداد الحملات، والاستفادة من وسائل التواصل، فضلاً عن حلول القياس والتحليل المتقدمة. يشمل هذا التركيز استقطاب الأصوات السعودية الحقيقية مع الاستفادة من الاستراتيجيات التي أثبتت AUDIENCEX نجاحها نيابة عن علامات تجارية رائدة. سوف يشرف فريق الإبداع الحائز على الجوائز، aX Studio، لدى AUDIENCEX على هذه المشاريع، بالتعاون مع مبدعين تم انتقاؤهم بعناية بالغة من مجتمع AlMashtal.

وفي معرض تعليقها على هذه المناسبة، قالت Noura Al Saud، مؤسسة AlMashtal تمثل هذه الشراكة مرحلة بارزة في تعزيز رحلة الإبداع بالمملكة العربية السعودية. فمن خلال دمج الرؤى والكفاءات المحلية مع خبرات AUDIENCEX التي ثبت نجاحها، نهدف إلى توفير حلول إبداعية لا نظير لها يتردد صداها لدى كل من الجمهور السعودي والجمهور العالمي. كما أن ذلك يمثل جسرًا للمبدعين السعوديين الواعدين الباحثين عن مسارات في هذا القطاع سريع النمو داخل الاقتصاد السعودي”.

يمثل هذا التحالف التأسيس الرسمي لشركة AUDIENCEX KSA، مما يعمل على تعجيل الاستفادة من تواجدها في المنطقة على مدار سنوات والذي شمل العمل المكثف مع كل من الوكالات والعلامات التجارية السعودية، بما في ذلك الضيافة، والتعليم، والرفاهية، والسفر، والخدمات المالية.

وفي معرض تعليقه على هذه المناسبة، قال Jason Wulfsohn، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لشركة AUDIENCEX “تعزز شراكتنا الاستراتيجية مع AlMashtal تفاني AUDIENCEX وحرصها على الابتكار والتوسع. ومع تدشين AUDIENCEX KSA، نشعر بالحماسة لدمج خبرتنا بالقطاع عبر وسائل الإعلام والمجالات الإبداعية والبيانات مع قدرات AlMashtal الإبداعية الاستثنائية، بما يبشر بقيمة لا نظير لها للعلامات التجارية والمسوقين”.

لمزيد من المعلومات عن هذا التحالف الاستراتيجي والمجموعة الكاملة لحلول الدعاية الإبداعية القائمة على الأداء، يمكنك التواصل مباشرة مع فريق AUDIENCEX.


AUDIENCEX هي أول شريك دعاية برامجية يعتمد على الأداء والذكاء الاصطناعي يهدف إلى تحقيق نتائج للعلامات التجارية والوكالات المستقلة التي تواجه صعوبات. وتعمل فرق العمل المتمرسة لديهم على تطبيق استراتيجيات شاملة عبر المنظومة الرقمية، مع استقطاب الجمهور المناسب من خلال التحليلات التنبؤية، والخوارزميات المخصصة والاستغلال الآلي لتحفيز النمو القابل للتطوير عبر قنوات الشراء، باستخدام مختلف القنوات والأجهزة. تم إدراج AUDIENCEX ضمن الشركات الأسرع نموًا في أمريكا من جانب Deloitte, Inc.‎، وThe Financial Times، وLos Angeles Business Journal، ويقع مقرها في Los Angeles وتزاول أعمالها عن بعد عبر مختلف أنحاء أمريكا الشمالية وما وراءها، وينتمي أعضاء فريقها إلى جميع أنحاء العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة أو مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني

نبذة عن AlMashtal

AlMashtal هي حاضنة إبداعية كائنة في الرياض متخصصة في دعم الاقتصاديات المحلية والعالمية الإبداعية. ومن خلال برامج مخصصة، والتوجيه، وشبكة إقليمية وعالمية واسعة النطاق، نعمل على تمكين الكفاءات الواعدة من تحقيق الاستفادة من قدراتها الإبداعية والمساهمة في الحيوية الثقافية بالمنطقة. توفر المساحة التي نوفرها مجموعة من المرافق التي تهدف إلى دعم القطاع الإبداعي، بما في ذلك معامل متخصصة للصوت والزجاج والإعداد، إلى جانب معمل للأعمال يوفر التدريب والتوجيه. يقع مقر AlMashtal في مكان استراتيجي بالحي الدبلوماسي في الرياض، وهي تمزج بين العناصر الثقافية المحلية والدولية، حيث تخلق بيئة هادئة وباعثة على الإلهام مثالية للمبدعين ممن يبحثون عن الهروب من الإيقاع السريع للحياة العصرية. تعمل هذه البيئة الفريدة على تسهيل التفكير المتعمق وتعظيم الإنتاجية، مما يساعد المبدعين على الابتكار والتعاون بفاعلية. نلتزم بتوفير بيئة ثرية بالفرص تشجع الأفراد والمؤسسات على الازدهار والتواصل والمشاركة في أشكال مبتكرة من التعاون تسهم في الاقتصاد الإبداعي.

للاستفسارات الإعلامية، يرجى التواصل مع:

مسؤول التواصل الإعلامي:

Rawan Nasser

Azzam Alaboud

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9119099

Tealium unveils CDP integration with Snowflake’s Snowpipe Streaming API

The integration combines the powerful forces of the Snowflake Data Cloud and Tealium CDP to accelerate CX across the entire customer journey

San Diego, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tealium announced today that it is one of the first customer data platforms (CDPs) to seamlessly connect to Snowflake’s Snowpipe Streaming API, offering industry-leading customer data collection and activation capabilities. Tealium’s CDP, powered by Snowflake, streamlines the process of landing low latency customer behavior data into the Snowflake Data Cloud to power analytics, AI, and customer-360 initiatives, allowing enterprises to better serve and engage their customers.

“At the heart of any CX strategy, is your data. CDPs and cloud data platforms are powerful catalysts for managing, analyzing, and activating customer data successfully to achieve this. And although unique on their own, together, they become a powerful force. That’s why Tealium and Snowflake are truly better together, providing a centralized consented data hub combining the benefits of historical data, real-time behavior, and utmost flexibility,” says Bob Page, Chief Product Officer at Tealium.

Real-time access to customer data is crucial for organizations to stay competitive and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Tealium’s integration with the Snowpipe Streaming API enables businesses to capture, process, analyze, and activate data efficiently. This powerful combination allows organizations to unlock valuable insights, enhance personalization, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately driving growth and customer satisfaction.

The integration leverages the power of a real-time CDP coupled with Snowflake’s elastic performance engine to drive customer data capabilities, including:

  • Establish unified and actionable customer views to power real-time engagement, leveraging enhanced identity data in Snowflake
  • Fuel and activate AI initiatives across the entire data infrastructure 
  • Minimize wasted time on data wrangling for more strategic and higher-quality insights 
  • Reduce regulatory risk by enabling consented data collection and activation, honoring customer privacy preferences across the entire journey
  • Improve ROI and achieve business goals through enhanced measurement and data-driven decision making

“As third-party cookies phase out and privacy regulations intensify, the demand for secure, privacy-first, real-time data solutions has never been greater,” said Onil Gunawardana, Head of Product Management, Marketing Data Cloud, at Snowflake. “Tealium’s advanced CDP with consent management, integrated with Snowflake’s Snowpipe API, provides enterprises with immediate access to cleansed, high-quality, first-party data. This seamless connectivity not only speeds up data ingestion for AI and improves customer experiences, but also ensures that data usage remains compliant within Snowflake’s robust analytics environment, elevating customer data strategies with unmatched security and efficiency.”

The integration also equips teams with widened flexibility, allowing them to augment customer data with AI, fueling models with clean and consented data. With every business having an AI mandate, the biggest challenge being faced during initial adoption is access to AI-ready data. The Tealium and Snowflake integration enforces enhanced data quality and governance, which supports successful AI implementation across the enterprise.

Learn more about how Tealium and Snowflake are better together.

To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.

Join the Real-Time Revolution: Tealium is hosting its annual Digital Velocity conference in San Diego on June 10-12, 2024. Join industry leaders as they come together to discuss the latest innovations in customer data. On Tuesday, June 11, Patrick Crosby, Senior Alliance Manager for Technology Partners at Snowflake, will be speaking in a session on “Driving Growth through Data Integration: CDPs and the Snowflake Marketing Data Cloud in Concert.”  Learn more and register here. 


About Tealium 

As the most trusted CDP, Tealium connects data so businesses can better connect with their customers. Tealium’s real-time data infrastructure allows brands to power their AI models and activate data for enhanced in-the-moment experiences. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built-in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium’s solutions include a real-time customer data platform with machine learning, tag management, an API hub, and data management solutions that make customer data more valuable, actionable, privacy-compliant, and secure. Named as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit

Natalie Passarelli
Tealium Inc. 

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9118839

Telecoming slated to join Telecoms World Middle East 2024

DUBAI, UAE – EQS Newswire – 16 May 2024 – Telecoming, sportech company specializing in developing and distributing mobile experiences for sports and entertainment, will take part, for the second year in a row at Telecom World Middle East 2024, scheduled for May 28-29. The company’s involvement in the event is part of a strategic initiative aimed at strengthening its presence in the region by partnering with mobile operators to offer digital services to sports enthusiasts.

This global event, which centers on innovation, connectivity, and technology, will feature Telecoming in a series of debates alongside key figures in the mobile entertainment industry. Patricia Peiró, Chief Strategy Officer at Telecoming, will discuss her expertise in technology-driven solutions for monetizing mobile entertainment. She will focus on the sports sector and explore how Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) is propelling the growth of the mobile economy in collaboration with telecommunications companies across two pivotal panels. Telecoming’s participation highlights the importance of this event, which brings together industry leaders and experts to discuss developments and challenges in mobile technologies across the Middle East.

We are thrilled to return to Telecoms World Middle East, because the region is an incredibly dynamic market with a strong interest in sports and digital consumption. Telecoming is looking forward to explore new opportunities in close collaboration with telecom operators“, explains Ali Karaosman, MEA Director at Telecoming.

About Telecoming:
Telecoming is a sportech company specializing in developing and distributing mobile experiences for sports and entertainment. The firm has been deploying monetization technologies in partnership with telcos since 2008. Telecoming is currently present in 18 countries. Its portfolio includes the official licenses of the leading soccer clubs in Europe and Africa, as well as the main competitions of 12 sports disciplines. Leader in the digital content economy since its foundation, the company has been recognized by the London Stock Exchange as one of Europe’s most inspiring organizations. In addition, it is one of Europe’s fastest-growing companies, according to Morningstar’s 5000 Inc. ranking. For more information, please visit:

Braving the extreme: Deriv-sponsored Patagonian expedition Kahuna and its impact on climate science

Collecting snow samples for research

Two explorers collecting snow samples as part of the Kahuna expedition.

Two explorers collecting snow samples – Deriv Kahuna
  • Deriv’s CSR sponsorship programme supports the Kahuna team in collecting essential environmental data and improving global understanding of climate change.
  • In partnership with OSER and Cheer Up, the environmental expedition aims to uplift and educate young patients and students.

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As Deriv gears up to celebrate 25 years of innovation and responsibility, it proudly marks this milestone through a series of new initiatives that will have an impact in 2024 and beyond. The Kahuna sponsorship supports scientific research and community projects that provide educational value and inspire positive action towards protecting the environment.

Deriv recently sponsored the Kahuna team to carry out an environmental research expedition in Patagonia. The environmental expedition aimed to investigate the presence of microplastics and black carbon in the snow. These substances are critical indicators of environmental pollution that affect climate change.

The team partnered with the Argentinian Institute of Nivology, Glaciology, and Environmental Sciences and sought community outreach through collaborations with charitable organisations OSER and CheerUp (affiliated with CentraleSupelec).

The Kahuna team hiking with their heavy backpacks

Hikers with their backpacks – Deriv Kahuna

Seema Hallon, Chief Human Resources Officer of Deriv, shares, “The 25th anniversary is an opportunity for Deriv to recommit to the things that matter to us as an organisation. Investing our CSR efforts in meaningful projects such as the Kahuna expedition is our way of contributing to the efforts for a sustainable future for the planet and communities.”

The expedition began in mid-January in Puerto Murta, Chile, with a team consisting of Baptistin Coutance, Robin Villard, Thomas Jarrey, Vincent Lavrov, and Yvan Lazard.

The route took them across Lago General Carrera, through Rio Baker into the Pacific fjords, along the Campo De Hielo Continental, ascending Volcan Lautaro and Cerro Francisco Moreno, where bad weather conditions led to an early ending of the journey.

Robin Villard shares, “The expedition was a success. The samples collected are in good condition and are scheduled for analysis in May and July. By the end of the summer, we should have results on the presence of microplastics in the ice field below. That’s a huge success.

“Our scientific research aimed to collect snow samples for analysis to determine the level of microplastics. Simply put, the samples will be examined under a microscope in the lab to see if there is significant pollution from microplastics in the snow.”

Expedition outcomes:

  • Research impact: The Kahuna team successfully collected and analysed samples from the region, providing valuable data for ongoing climate studies.
  • Community impact: Through real-time updates and subsequent presentations, the environmental expedition will provide educational and motivational experiences to young cancer patients and underprivileged students once their documentary film is ready.

The expedition faced challenges — adverse weather conditions and dangerous terrain, but could complete their research objectives effectively.

Hikers with their Deriv-branded backpacks

Read more about the Kahuna expedition.

About Deriv

For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,400 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.


Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

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Five Israeli enemy airstrikes targeted at midnight s of Khraybe town in Baablek with air-to-surface missiles, slightly wounding a citizen and causing material damages, our correspondent reported on Thursday. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon