VinFast signs UAE exclusive dealership agreement with Al Tayer Motors

HANOI, VIETNAM – Media OutReach Newswire – 27 May 2024 – VinFast Auto has officially signed an exclusive dealership agreement with one of the UAE’s premier automotive dealerships, Al Tayer Motors, for the distribution of VinFast electric vehicles (EV) in the country. The inaugural facility is planned to open in 2024 and will initially retail four VinFast e-SUV models, VF 6, VF 7, VF 8, and VF 9, at launch.Mr. Ta Xuan Hien, CEO of VinFast Middle East (fourth from the left), and Mr. Saeed Al Tayer, Managing Director of Al Tayer Motors (fourth from the right), along with senior representatives from both sides at the signing ceremony.

Al Tayer Motors will be VinFast’s exclusive partner in the UAE and plans to establish a network of VinFast facilities across the country. Award-winning Al Tayer Motors, established in 1982, is one of the UAE’s leading automotive players and represents major European and American automobile manufacturers.

With a continuously expanding network of sales, service and parts centres, along with a team of 2,700 employees, Al Tayer Motors is committed to providing exceptional experiences to customers through its impressive physical infrastructure and cutting-edge digital platforms, including e-commerce and dedicated app.

By promoting cooperation with leading partners in the UAE and the Middle East, VinFast actively contributes to the realization of green mobility solutions within the region, while affirming the commitment of the Vietnamese EV manufacturer to making them more accessible to everyone.

Mr. Ta Xuan Hien, CEO of VinFast Middle East, shared: “The agreement with Al Tayer Motors is an important milestone in VinFast’s global market expansion strategy. We believe this reputable and experienced partner will help VinFast bring the highest quality products and services to customers in the UAE. VinFast is committed to providing customers with smart and environmentally friendly EV mobility options, while contributing to the UAE’s sustainable development goals.”

Mr. Ashok Khanna, Chief Executive Officer of Al Tayer Motors, said: We are excited to launch VinFast in the UAE – a very vibrant international hub. We believe this partnership between Al Tayer Motors and VinFast will offer the ultimate EV experience to UAE customers while amplifying the brand globally. With our extensive expertise, dedicated teams and customer-centric approach, we make car ownership easier than ever and set best practices on a local and global level.”

Since the fourth quarter of 2023, VinFast has changed its strategy from a direct sales model to consumers to a hybrid model by leveraging existing distribution infrastructure through the establishment of a global dealer network. It is expected that sales through dealers will contribute significantly to VinFast’s sales in the second half of 2024.

In addition to key markets such as the United States, Canada, and Europe, VinFast is actively expanding into neighboring countries in Asia such as India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, as well as the Middle East and Africa.

 About VinFast

VinFast – a member of Vingroup – envisions driving the advancement of the global smart electric vehicle revolution. Established in 2017, VinFast owns a state-of-the-art automotive manufacturing complex with globally leading scalability that boasts up to 90 percent automation in Hai Phong, Vietnam.

Strongly committed to the mission of a sustainable future for everyone, VinFast constantly innovates to bring high-quality products, advanced smart services, seamless customer experiences, and pricing strategy for all to inspire global customers to jointly create a future of smart mobility and a sustainable planet. Learn more at:

‫مجموعة تداول السعودية وسهم كابيتال تتعاونان في برنامج “استثمر بوعي”

منطقة هونج كونج الإدارية الخاصة – 27 مايو 2024 – يسر شركة سهم كابيتال، شركة الوساطة المالية الرائدة عبر الإنترنت في المملكة العربية السعودية، أن تعلن عن رعايتها بالشراكة مع مجموعة تداول السعودية لبرنامج “استثمر بوعي”. جاء هذا الإعلان خلال ملتقى أسواق رأس المال، والذي تم انعقاده في هونج كونج 9 مايو 2024 حيث اجتمع قادة الصناعة لمناقشة مستقبل تدفقات رأس المال العالمية.

من المقرر إطلاق مبادرة رعاية برنامج “استثمر بوعي” في النصف الثاني من عام 2024. وهي مبادرة تهدف إلى تعزيز الثقافة المالية وتزويد مستخدميها بمهارات الاستثمار اللازمة لكي يصبحوا مستثمرين أكثر كفاءة ومهارة. حيث يتم إطلاق هذه المبادرة عبر منصة افتراضية مصممة لتلبية احتياجات المهتمين بالاستثمار، حيث تتيح هذه المبادرة الفرصة للتعلم والمشاركة والممارسة والمنافسة في بيئة محاكاة التداول وتعكس تجربة حقيقية للتداول في سوق الأسهم.

وأعربت هديل البديري، المدير العام لشركة سهم كابيتال، عن مدى حماسها لهذه الشراكة، قائلة: أن برنامج “استثمر بوعي”  مبادرة شاملة عبر الإنترنت في المملكة تتماشى تمامًا مع التزام شركة سهم كابيتال برفع الوعي المالي والثقافة المالية بين المستثمرين الحاليين والمستثمرين المحتملين. ومع استمرار المملكة العربية السعودية في رحلتها نحو سوق أكثر مؤسسية، سيتم تمكين المستثمرين من اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية سليمة.

يشتمل  برنامج “استثمر بوعي” على ورش عمل استثمارية، وإمكانية الوصول إلى المواد التعليمية، ومنصة محاكاة تداول متطورة تتيح للمشاركين إنشاء محافظ افتراضية مع اكتساب خبرة في التداول. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستوفر المسابقة فرصة للمشاركين لعرض مهاراتهم ومعرفتهم في التداول، مع جوائز ترعاها شركة سهم كابيتال.

تأسست شركة “سهم كابيتال” في عام 2022، وسرعان ما رسخت مكانتها كشركة رائدة بين شركات الوساطة عبر الإنترنت. وفي أكتوبر 2023، حصلت شركة “سهم كابيتال” على الرخصة من هيئة السوق المالية لمزاولة خدمات التعامل والاستشارة وحفظ الأوراق المالية في المملكة العربية السعودية، مما يجعلها أول شركة وساطة دولية عبر الإنترنت تقدم خدمات جديدة تلبي احتياجات المستثمرين داخل المملكة.

في ديسمبر 2023، أطلقت شركة سهم كابيتال تطبيق سهم، الذي اكتسب شهرة واسعة وسريعة وأصبح الآن ضمن أفضل ثلاثة تطبيقات مالية مجانية في متجر Play Google. يعتبر تطبيق سهم أول تطبيق في المملكة يوفر التبديل الفوري والسلس بنقرة واحدة بين الحسابات السعودية والأمريكية، مما يتيح للمستخدمين التداول وتحويل العملات دون عناء.

نبذة عن شركة سهم كابيتال:

شركة “سهم كابيتال” شركة مسجلة في الرياض، حاصلة على ترخيص برقم (22251-25) من هيئة السوق المالية (CMA) لمزاولة خدمات التداول والاستشارات والحفظ في المملكة العربية السعودية، مما يجعلها أول شركة وساطة دولية عبر الإنترنت تقدم خدمات الوساطة في المملكة العربية السعودية.

كما أن شركة سهم كابيتال عضو مسجل في السوق المالية السعودية، وكذلك الشركات التابعة لها، شركة مركز إيداع الأوراق المالية (إيداع) وشركة مركز مقاصة الأوراق المالية (مقاصة). لمزيد من المعلومات حول شركة سهم كابيتال، يرجى زيارة:

Co-chair Statement of Second Arab/OIC-European Contact Group Meeting on Efforts to Implement the Two-state Solution, Including Recognition of Palestinian State

Brussels, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, co-chaired a meeting between the Ministerial Committee assigned by the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit on Developments in the Gaza Strip, and European Foreign Ministers and representatives, on 26 May 2024 in Brussels, in coordination with the EU High Representative/Vice President Joseph Borrell. They met as a follow up of the Riyadh-meeting in April, to discuss the urgent need to end the war in Gaza and what concrete and practical steps countries can take to implement the two-state solution, including the question of recognition and full integration in the region, in view of the Arab Peace Initiative. The meeting stressed the urgent need for an immediate ceasefire including an end to the attacks on Rafah, release of hostages and ending the war in Gaza. The importance of respecting and complying with international law was emphasized. They further rai sed their concern for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. And highlighted the urgency of ending and addressing this Gaza-crisis, as well as all unlawful actions in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem. Moreover, the significance of transitioning the conflict to a political track, to reach a final and a speedy political resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was emphasized. The meeting voiced their strong support for taking irreversible steps to implement the two-state solution, in line with international law and agreed upon parameters, including United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Concrete measures towards a Palestinian State, within the framework of the two-state solution, were discussed. In this regard, particular attention was given to empowering and enabling PA and Palestinians reforms. The question of mutual recognition was addressed, that will promote moderation and peace in the region, at the expense of violence and extremism. The circumstances needed for such recognition was add ressed, and the recent recognition of Palestine as a State by Norway, Ireland and Spain was welcomed by many, in this regard. The meeting agreed that the goal is to realize a just, comprehensive and lasting peace that upholds the rights of the Palestinian people and the security of Israel and the region. This will pave the way for normal relations among nations in the region. The meeting also accentuated the need for amplified efforts towards state-building, and the urgent need to strengthen and support, both politically and financially, the new Palestinian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa. The significance of having a unified Palestinian Government for the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza was also emphasized. The meeting was attended by Foreign Minister and representatives of Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, League of Arab States, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trkiye, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Foreign Minister: Two-State Solution is the Foundation for Peace and Security

Brussels, Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah emphasized the Kingdom's commitment to the two-state solution both at the Riyadh meeting in late April and at the Ministerial Meeting held here yesterday. He said there are signs of consensus in the international community on the need to secure the rights and safety of the Palestinian people. At a press conference held jointly with Norway's Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide and the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, Prince Faisal highlighted the critical situation in Gaza Strip, stressing the need for an immediate ceasefire. Prince Faisal pointed out that the international community agrees on the need of an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages, stressing that "the humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate rapidly and in a completely unacceptable way". He said that the ministerial committee established by the joint extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit aims to a ddress the situation in Gaza and advance the Palestinian cause, and stressed that the two-state solution is the foundation for lasting peace and security in the region. Prince Faisal praised Norway, Spain, and Ireland for recognizing the Palestinian state, and said that other European countries are considering taking a similar step. He also highlighted the importance of supporting Palestinian state institutions to demonstrate their capability to carry out responsibilities, including ensuring the security of neighboring states, and stressed the need to abide by international law. Furthermore, Prince Faisal said that if the international community complies with international law, including humanitarian law, this would signal to Israel that it is not immune from accountability and cannot indefinitely undermine the establishment of a Palestinian state. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Kuwaiti Amir Receives Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Fahd

Kuwait, Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received today at Bayan Palace visiting Saudi Minister of State and Cabinet Member Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported. The minister conveyed to the Amir greetings from Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and from His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. The Amir returned the greetings and wished further progress to the Kingdom and its people. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Arab Parliament Condemns Israeli Massacre in Rafah Refugee Camp

Cairo, The Arab Parliament strongly condemned the brutal massacre committed by Israeli occupation forces on Palestinian civilians in Rafah refugee camp, in Gaza, Palestine. In a statement issued today, the parliament expressed concern over the actions of the Israeli occupation forces, emphasizing that they have violated laws, norms, international resolutions, and legitimate principles that demand an immediate end to aggression. The military assault on Rafah city was condemned as a blatant challenge and a flagrant violation of various decisions, including a recent ruling by the International Court of Justice, which called for a halt to the military assault on Rafah city. The Arab Parliament urged the UN Security Council, human rights organizations, and other international bodies to take urgent action to pressure Israel to stop these massacres and halt the aggression in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem. Moreover, it emphasized the need to enforce the rulings of the International Court of Justice, pursue l egitimate resolutions, and resume ceasefire negotiations to bring an end to the ongoing bloodshed and stop the war and genocide. Source: Saudi Press Agency