A person arrested for killing his sister 10 hours after committing the crime in Anbar

Baghdad, Security forces arrested a person who killed his sister 10 hours after he committed the crime in Anbar. A statement by the Ministry of Interior stated that after information was received by the Fallujah Crime Control Office within the Anbar Governorate Police Command that there had been a murder of a woman by her brother, who fled after committing his crime, a work team was immediately formed and the accused was followed up through technical efforts and the location of the perpetrator was reached and arrested. He will be charged 10 hours after his crime was carried out and he will be detained in accordance with Article 405 of the Civil P.C. He will be referred to the judiciary to receive his just punishment. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The overthrow of a drug dealer in his possession of a kilogram of crystal in Baghdad

Baghdad, Federal Police forces overthrew a drug dealer in his possession of a kilogram of crystal narcotic substance in Baghdad. A statement by the Federal Police Command stated that a force from the Fifth Federal Police Division, in conjunction with Federal Police Intelligence detachments and a detachment from the Diyala Governorate Narcotics Investigations Directorate, arrested one of the accused drug traffickers who was wanted in accordance with the provisions of Article (28 Drugs) in the (Husseiniyat Al-Ma'amel) area in Baghdad, and he was seized in his possession a bag containing one kilogram of crystal narcotic substance, along with a pistol and 5 bullets, was referred along with the duly seized materials to the competent authorities to complete the necessary legal and investigative procedures against him. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

KSrelief Distributes 300 Food Baskets in Nigeria

Kano, Nigeria, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) distributed food baskets to 300 of the most vulnerable families in Kano State, Nigeria, assisting 1,800 individuals. The initiative is part of "Etaam" the Ramadan food distribution project for the year 1445 AH in Nigeria. The assistance is an extension of the relief and humanitarian endeavors offered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through KSrelief, to the numerous vulnerable and afflicted nations globally. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Hebrew media: The Israeli army is preparing its forces to launch an operation in Rafah within a week

Baghdad, Israeli media reported, on Sunday evening, that the Israeli army is preparing its forces and accelerating its preparations in order to enter Rafah within a week. The Hebrew Channel 13 said: 'The Israeli army is accelerating preparations for the ground entry into Rafah, and the goal is to begin the evacuation within a week.' Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant revealed the initial plans for the withdrawal of forces from Khan Yunis, explaining that "Hamas stopped operating as a military organization in Khan Yunis, and the forces left the area in preparation for an operation in Rafah." The Israeli army announced a complete withdrawal of its ground forces from the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday, leaving a smaller force to continue operations in the entire Strip. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

KSrelief to Financially Sponsor 148 Orphans in Aden, Yemen

Aden, In a bid to uplift vulnerable youths, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) said yesterday it was sponsoring financially 148 orphans in Yemen's Aden Governorate, an initiative that coincides with the Arab Orphan Day, observed annually on the first Friday of April. The sponsorship program marks the second phase of a broader KSrelief project targeting orphans in eight Yemeni governorates: Aden, Lahj, Hadhramaut, Al-Mahra, Al-Hudaydah, Taiz, Ma'rib, and Al-Jawf. With a focus on long-term support, the project aims to empower 440 families by creating sustainable job opportunities. This will equip them with a steady source of income, enabling them to secure essential living needs, education, and healthcare. It aims to mitigate the economic hardship many families face after having lost their breadwinner. By strengthening their financial situation, the project ultimately helps orphans stay enrolled in schools and pursue their education. School bags will also be distributed to 1,300 o rphans - both boys and girls - as part of the initiative. KSrelief intervention builds upon Saudi Arabia's longstanding commitment to providing humanitarian relief to Yemeni orphans. This comprehensive program aims to improve their living conditions, alleviate their suffering, and pave the way for a brighter future. Source: Saudi Press Agency