Jerusalem – Suppression of a protest to commemorate the passing of Faisal Al-Husseini

Jerusalem - Together - This Friday afternoon, the occupation forces suppressed a protest to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the passing of Faisal Al-Husseini, in front of the Orient House in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem. The occupation forces attacked the participants by pushing and beating them and forcibly evacuated the place. They also confiscated pictures of Al-Husseini. Journalist Ahmed Jalajel explained that the occupation forces attacked the present press crews and prevented them from filming. The preparatory committee 'to commemorate the passing of the martyr Faisal Al-Husseini' called for participation in the anniversary. Source: Maan News Agency

The occupation forces burn hundreds of dunams in Beit Ummar

Hebron - Ma'an - On Saturday afternoon, the occupation soldiers caused large fires that spread over an area of ????hundreds of dunams in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, as a result of firing gas and sound bombs at farmers who were working in cultivating their lands. The fires spread from the Khallet al-Balqa area to Wadi al-Wahadin and Khirbet al-Qat, causing the burning of hundreds of almond and grape trees, greenhouses, and agricultural tools. The media activist in Beit Ummar reported that the occupation soldiers deliberately threw gas and sound bombs at the farmers, causing serious material damage to them as a result of the fire that broke out and destroyed hundreds of fruit trees. The winds and high temperatures contributed to the fire spreading to vast areas. Awad added that citizens came to help put out the fire, combat it, and prevent it from spreading to other areas in the town, using water tanks available in the town. In a preliminary toll of losses, farmer Samir Abdullah Al-Salibi incurre d losses exceeding one and a half million shekels. He pointed out that 4 occupation fire trucks were close to the site and the farmers were watching them devour the crops without providing any assistance. Source: Maan News Agency

Settlers build a new settlement outpost in Masafer Yatta

Hebron - Ma'an - The coordinator of the National and Popular Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements in South Hebron, Ratib Al-Jabour, said that settlers built a new settlement outpost near the Tabqa area in Masafer Yatta. He added that they placed mobile homes and set up a tent in the area. In a related context, Al-Jabour explained that child shepherds miraculously survived a run-over attempt, yesterday afternoon, Friday, as one of the settlers chased them in the Al-Fakhit area in Al-Musafer, and tried to run them over with the 'Tractron' car he was driving. Source: Maan News Agency

The occupation arrests a young man from the town of Beit Ummar

Hebron - Ma'an - At dawn on Saturday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested a young man after raiding homes in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron. Media activist in Beit Ummar, Muhammad Ayyad Awad, reported that the occupation forces stormed the Al-Madhaba' area, northwest of the town, and raided the home of citizen Fathi Al-Alami. They searched the house and tampered with its contents before arresting his son, Muhammad Fathi Muhammad Al-Alami, 22 years old, and he was transferred to an occupation army camp inside the 'Karmi' settlement. Tzur, south of Beit Ummar. Source: Maan News Agency