Meteorology: The country is affected by a hot and dry air mass

Jerusalem - Ma'an - The Palestinian Meteorological Department expects the country to be affected by a hot and dry air mass, so the weather will be very hot in most areas, with temperatures rising to become about 7 degrees Celsius higher than their annual average. Winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. In the evening and night hours: The weather is clear and relatively warm in the mountainous areas and warm in the rest of the regions. The winds are northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea is light to medium in wave height. Thursday 07/11/2024: The country continues to be affected by the hot and dry air mass, so the weather is very hot in most areas, and there is no significant change in temperatures, which remain about 7 degrees Celsius higher than their annual average. The winds are northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea is light to medium in wave height. Friday 07/12/2024: The country continues to be affected by the hot and dry air mass, so the weather is very hot in most areas, and there is no significant change in temperatures, which remain about 7 degrees Celsius higher than their annual average. The winds are northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea is light to medium in wave height. Saturday 07/13/2024: The weather will be hot to very hot, and temperatures will drop, but will remain about 4 degrees Celsius above their annual average. The winds will be northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. The Meteorological Department warns citizens of the danger of: 1- Exposure to direct sunlight for a long time, especially during peak hours. 2- The risk of starting fires in areas where there are many dry grasses and trees. Source: Maan News Agency

National Infrastructure Fund Board Holds First Meeting, Approves Strategic Direction

Riyadh, The National Infrastructure Fund (Infra) board of directors held its first meeting, chaired by Minister of Economy and Planning Faisal bin Fadel Alibrahim. The board reviewed various topics related to the fund's administration, operations, financing, and investment programs. Additionally, it discussed several other items on the agenda. The chairman and members of the board praised the efforts made since the fund's establishment, recognizing its significant impact on partnerships with the private sector. They aim to stimulate both local and international investors and attract them to participate in and invest in the implementation of high-quality infrastructure projects. This will be achieved through a range of innovative financing products and solutions that will deepen infrastructure financing markets in the Kingdom. Infra is one of the development funds and banks affiliated with the National Development Fund (NDF) and serves as a leading development-financing partner in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi a for infrastructure projects. Its primary objective is to enable and accelerate strategic infrastructure projects in the Kingdom, contributing to the achievement of the goals outlined in the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and enhancing the quality of life for individuals and society. The fund board is chaired by Minister of Economy and Planning Alibrahim, and its membership includes Dr. Nabeel Alamudi, Abdulaziz Alarifi, Dr. Stephen Groff, Eng. Esmail Alsallom, Stephanie von Friedeburg, and Marie Lam-Frendo. Source: Saudi Press Agency

A session to discuss the decisions to evict 7 families in Silwan in favor of settlers

Jerusalem - Ma'an - A session was held at the Central Court on Wednesday to consider the appeal submitted against the "decisions to evict 7 families from their homes" in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood in the town of Silwan, south of Jerusalem. During the session, the families' lawyer, Yazid Qawar, stressed that the eviction decisions were illegal, demanding that they be cancelled. He added that the eviction decisions threaten 7 residential units, in which more than 50 people live. The settlement authorities claim that 5 dunams and 200 square meters of land in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood have belonged to the Yemeni Jews since 1881 as a 'Jewish endowment,' and since 2015 the 'Ateret Cohanim Settlement Association' has begun delivering notices and judicial notices to families in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood to evict them from their homes and properties. Source: Maan News Agency

A session to discuss the decisions to evict 7 families in Silwan in favor of settlers

Jerusalem - Ma'an - A session was held at the Central Court on Wednesday to consider the appeal submitted against the "decisions to evict 7 families from their homes" in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood in the town of Silwan, south of Jerusalem. During the session, the families' lawyer, Yazid Qawar, stressed that the eviction decisions were illegal, demanding that they be cancelled. He added that the eviction decisions threaten 7 residential units, in which more than 50 people live. The settlement authorities claim that 5 dunams and 200 square meters of land in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood have belonged to the Yemeni Jews since 1881 as a 'Jewish endowment,' and since 2015 the 'Ateret Cohanim Settlement Association' has begun delivering notices and judicial notices to families in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood to evict them from their homes and properties. Source: Maan News Agency

OIC Secretary General Receives Libya Representative

Jeddah, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary-General Hissein Brahim Taha has received Ambassador Muhammad Al-Hafi, Libya permanent representative to the OIC. During the meeting, Taha reaffirmed the OIC's steadfast support for Libya, its unity, and the integrity of its territories. He reiterated the OIC commitment to supporting all initiatives and efforts that contribute to enhancing security and stability in Libya, preserving its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and realizing the aspirations of the Libyan people for development and prosperity. During the meeting, Ambassador Al-Hafi signed the documents of Libya's accession to the Statute of the OIC Center for Police Cooperation and Coordination. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Dudin and Ghanem discuss the water problem in Hebron Governorate

HEBRON-Ma'an- Hebron Governor Khaled Dudin and Water Authority Chairman Mazen Ghoneim discussed the water crisis in Hebron Governorate during a meeting that included the heads of local authorities in the governorate, at the governorate building on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Director of Hebron Police, Brigadier General Mansour Daraghmeh, the Deputy Director of Customs Police, Colonel Fadi Makharza, and the Director General of Local Government, Eng. Rashid Awad. Dudin stressed that the water crisis is a seasonal crisis that the governorate suffers from, and its severity has recently increased following the decision of the Israeli company "Mekorot" to reduce the quantities of water allocated to the governorates of Hebron and Bethlehem from the main Deir Shaar water source that supplies these two governorates to approximately 35%. He stressed that this reduction falls within the context of the collective punishment practiced by the occupation against the Palestinian people. The governor a dded that the amount of water loss is one of the causes of the current crisis and will negatively affect the period of water outage for citizens in the summer. He stressed that public money, especially water and electricity, should not be touched, and that the governorate and security services will intensify to combat these violations. He stressed that there will be no leniency in this issue and that work will be done in cooperation with the executive authorities to pursue and monitor the aggressors and impose the necessary penalties on them and those who cover up for them, because it is unreasonable for us to suffer from a shortage in water quantities and for someone to come and exacerbate this crisis to monopolize the water and deprive the neighboring country of it. For his part, Eng. Ghoneim indicated that the water problem is fabricated and intentional on the part of the Israeli side, indicating that this meeting was held to find solutions to the water crisis and deal with the loss, put an end to thefts and encroachments and achieve fair distribution for all communities. Minister Ghoneim added that the Hebron Governorate is facing a serious problem related to encroachments on water lines, which have caused a large loss in the main line that reached 4,000 cubic meters in the Deir Shaar line, as well as a loss that reached 12,000 cubic meters in the Tarqumiya water line. If these encroachments are not controlled, the loss rates will increase. During the meeting, the heads of local authorities and the water problems in their communities were also heard. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to form a follow-up committee from the Water Authority, the local government, the Hebron Governorate, and the security services to follow up on the violations and pursue the aggressors, in addition to discussing the technical issues that can be worked on to ensure the delivery of water to the communities that suffer from long periods of interruption. Source: Maan News Agency

Esports World Cup Trophy: a Masterpiece Blending Esports Spirit, Saudi Culture

Riyadh, The Esports World Cup Foundation unveiled the details of the unique trophy for the biggest event in the gaming and esports industry's history. The trophy will be awarded to the club that accumulates the most points throughout the eight-week competition using the points system within the Esports World Cup. Crafted from 24-karat gold-plated sterling silver and standing 60 cm tall, the trophy stands as a milestone in the history of esports. It features a unique design that embodies the spirit of esports and celebrates the champions of challenge and competition while also incorporating elements that reflect the heritage and culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The creative design journey of the trophy involved more than ten prominent concepts, refined through hand drawings and two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) designs. It incorporated many advanced techniques to ensure the accuracy and beauty of the trophy, carrying unique symbolism in its design. The crown perched upon the globe at th e top of the trophy symbolizes the crowned champions as kings in the world of esports. The trophy's body features a set of interlocking triangles inspired by game-controller buttons while resembling a palm tree trunk as a prominent element in the Kingdom's culture. The handles were designed to be inspired by the shape of the electrical wires used in computers, while the Esports World Cup logo was carefully placed on the base of the trophy to highlight the identity and importance of the event in the history of the industry at the regional and global levels. During the tournament, each participating team is given a unique triangular key with a distinctive outer frame. When a team wins, the winning team's triangle is placed on the championship shield they have won as a memento of winning the championship, while the outer frame is placed on the honor board, which honors all championship winners. The winning team has the opportunity to choose three keys from among the teams they have defeated to be crushed by a press machine and placed under the honor board, immortalizing the challenge they faced throughout the tournament. The losing teams keep the outer frame and are also given a symbolic key as a souvenir, serving as a testament to their remarkable journey in the first edition of the Esports World Cup. This year's tournament will continue until August 25, and its visitors will have a date with unique experiences that blend sports, entertainment, education, culture, creativity, and art, suitable for all family members. About 1,500 players representing 500 clubs from the elite of international clubs will be competing in 22 tournaments, with the largest financial prizes in the industry's history, exceeding $60 million. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Chairman of the Land Authority: The Public Prosecution is a key partner in protecting private and public property

Ramallah - Ma'an - Minister Alaa Tamimi received today in his office in the city of Al-Bireh, Counselor Akram Al-Khatib, the Attorney General of the State of Palestine, on a visit aimed at enhancing cooperation regarding criminal and civil cases. For his part, Alaa Tamimi, Chairman of the Land Authority, stressed that the Public Prosecution in Palestine is an essential partner, if not the most important, in the daily work of the Land Authority, and that the cooperation with it is of great importance, especially in protecting private and public property, and that this cooperation is clearly evident through the daily follow-ups of lawsuits referred from the Land Authority to the Public Prosecution, whether civil or criminal. For his part, Attorney General Counselor Akram Al-Khatib praised the efforts made by the Land Authority, stressing the importance of cooperation in all fields, pointing to the role of the Public Prosecution in the file of preserving state property based on Decision-Law No. 3 of 2022 regar ding the preservation of state lands and property and the committee formed pursuant to it headed by the Public Prosecution, stressing his permanent directives to members of the Public Prosecution to give the land sector in general attention and expedite legal procedures in particular. In conclusion, the Attorney General wished Al-Tamimi success in his mission, based on the great trust that His Excellency the President has placed in him by appointing him Chairman of the Land Authority. Source: Maan News Agency

Chairman of the Land Authority: The Public Prosecution is a key partner in protecting private and public property

Ramallah - Ma'an - Minister Alaa Tamimi received today in his office in the city of Al-Bireh, Counselor Akram Al-Khatib, the Attorney General of the State of Palestine, on a visit aimed at enhancing cooperation regarding criminal and civil cases. For his part, Alaa Tamimi, Chairman of the Land Authority, stressed that the Public Prosecution in Palestine is an essential partner, if not the most important, in the daily work of the Land Authority, and that the cooperation with it is of great importance, especially in protecting private and public property, and that this cooperation is clearly evident through the daily follow-ups of lawsuits referred from the Land Authority to the Public Prosecution, whether civil or criminal. For his part, Attorney General Counselor Akram Al-Khatib praised the efforts made by the Land Authority, stressing the importance of cooperation in all fields, pointing to the role of the Public Prosecution in the file of preserving state property based on Decision-Law No. 3 of 2022 regar ding the preservation of state lands and property and the committee formed pursuant to it headed by the Public Prosecution, stressing his permanent directives to members of the Public Prosecution to give the land sector in general attention and expedite legal procedures in particular. In conclusion, the Attorney General wished Al-Tamimi success in his mission, based on the great trust that His Excellency the President has placed in him by appointing him Chairman of the Land Authority. Source: Maan News Agency

Chairman of the Land Authority: The Public Prosecution is a key partner in protecting private and public property

Ramallah - Ma'an - Minister Alaa Tamimi received today in his office in the city of Al-Bireh, Counselor Akram Al-Khatib, the Attorney General of the State of Palestine, on a visit aimed at enhancing cooperation regarding criminal and civil cases. For his part, Alaa Tamimi, Chairman of the Land Authority, stressed that the Public Prosecution in Palestine is an essential partner, if not the most important, in the daily work of the Land Authority, and that the cooperation with it is of great importance, especially in protecting private and public property, and that this cooperation is clearly evident through the daily follow-ups of lawsuits referred from the Land Authority to the Public Prosecution, whether civil or criminal. For his part, Attorney General Counselor Akram Al-Khatib praised the efforts made by the Land Authority, stressing the importance of cooperation in all fields, pointing to the role of the Public Prosecution in the file of preserving state property based on Decision-Law No. 3 of 2022 regar ding the preservation of state lands and property and the committee formed pursuant to it headed by the Public Prosecution, stressing his permanent directives to members of the Public Prosecution to give the land sector in general attention and expedite legal procedures in particular. In conclusion, the Attorney General wished Al-Tamimi success in his mission, based on the great trust that His Excellency the President has placed in him by appointing him Chairman of the Land Authority. Source: Maan News Agency