Karbala Police Conducts Security Exercise Ahead of Arbaeen visit

The departments and formations of the Karbala Police Command, in cooperation with the army and other security services, carried out a major security exercise in all areas of the city. A security source said that during the exercise, temporary checkpoints and ambushes were set up, detachments were deployed, and orchards, structures, remote areas, and all areas, especially those bordering the provinces of Babylon and Anbar, and desert areas, were searched. He added: This exercise comes within the framework of early preparations for the Arbaeen million-person visit and full preparation to receive millions of visitors coming from various provinces and Arab and foreign countries. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Balé/School excellence: Former students of Boromo B school offer bicycles and school kits to the best students

Ouagadougou: The students of Boromo B school and their teachers went on vacation, closing the educational activities with a day of excellence during which the best students were rewarded. The school was supported by friendly alumni. According to the spokesperson, Seydou Bagagnan, the latter initiated a voluntary contribution which made it possible to mobilize school supplies, computer equipment and bicycles for the benefit of the students and the school. The prefect president of the special delegation, the directors and heads of services, the educational authorities, the parents of the students were witnesses at the donation ceremony organized on the school premises. This was an opportunity for the school director, Etienne Tiendrebeogo, to take stock of the school year. At the CEP exam session 2024, Boromo B school presented 102 candidates with 99 admitted. These results make Boromo B School the best in its basic education district. In addition, the two best students in the primary school certificate come from there according to statistics from the province's provincial directorate of preschool and primary education. This performance at the CEP greatly delighted the educational community, former students, parents and guests. The friendship of former students and their partners made it possible to reward the best students. Thus, the two best girl and boy students in the CEP received bicycles, school kits, for the best students in classes from CP1 to CM2. Four CM2 class teachers received gifts and certificates, computer equipment from the school management. According to the spokesperson for former students, Seydou Bagagnan, the friendly former students could not remain indifferent to the sacrifices made by the students and their teachers. 'The results honor us all,' he said. 'We want through this gesture to create excellence among students and teachers, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to support those involved in the educational world of the municipality of Boromo through initiatives that contribute to improving educational conditions. 'teaching learning,' he added. The Chairman of the Boromo Special Delegation, Esai Bamogo, commended the teachers for the efforts made and the friendliness of the alumni for the Excellence Day initiative. In addition, he expressed his availability to accompany the actors. Mr. Bamogo invited other students to work to also earn rewards in future editions. The authority has also decided to cover the school fees for the 2024-2025 school year of the two best students in the CEP. Schoolchildren, teachers and their guests shared a community meal offered by the alumni association. Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nine suspects arrested for “selling patients” to doctors in Hilla

Security forces arrested nine people accused of "selling patients to doctors" in Hillah, the center of Babylon Governorate. A security source said: "The Inspection and Complaints Department in the Babylon Health Department, in cooperation with the Doctors Syndicate and the detachments of the Directorate of Combating Organized Crime and National Security, carried out a campaign by judicial decision against brokers selling patients to doctors in the center of Hilla city (Doctors Street) today, Friday." He added: "The force carried out the campaign based on complaints from citizens, and arrested nine people on charges of selling patients and brokering between doctors, and transferred them to the competent authorities." Source: National Iraqi News Agency

President Traoré calls for supporting the sovereignty of Burkina by using the Banque des Dépôts

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, on Friday urged the Burkinabè to use the services of the new Banque des Dépôts du Trésor, in order to participate in achieving the sovereignty of the country . 'This Friday, August 2, 2024, I officially launched the activities of the Banque des Dépôts du Trésor. With integrity as its compass, this bank is a tool and a symbol of economic and financial sovereignty of Burkina Faso. It will be closer to the populations and will contribute to the socio-economic development of our country through a more suitable method of financing structuring projects and programs. I invite the Burkinabè, public and private development organizations and economic operators to use the 'Burkindlim' bank to participate in the work of collective construction of a sovereign economy in the service of the development of our country. Great success at the Banque des Dépôts du Trésor! », wrote President Ibrahim Traoré on Friday on X. Source: Burkina Information Agency

The Paris Olympic Games and the ministerial reshuffle on the front pages of Burkina Faso’s daily newspapers

Ouagadougou: This Friday's publications look at the progress of the 2024 Olympic Games and the ministerial reshuffle within the Burkinabe government. The public daily *Sidwaya* headlines its front page, 'Burkinabe Government: Redevelopment for greater efficiency'. Showing the new government in pictures, the public newspaper indicates that a slight rearrangement has been made in certain ministerial portfolios. 'Ministerial reshuffle: A little game of musical chairs', displays the private daily *Le Pays* on its headline. For him, there is neither departure nor arrival in this reshuffle, but small changes with new names of ministries. As changes, *Le Pays* cites the erection of a full-fledged ministry responsible for Security and the creation of the Ministry of Secondary Education, Vocational and Technical Training. Under another subject, the dean of private daily newspapers, *L'Observateur Paalga*, indicates on its front page 'Olympic Games swimming 50m freestyle: No miracle for Souleymane Naparé. ". Acc ording to the newspaper, the Burkinabè swimmer, Souleymane Naparé, lined up in the 50m freestyle category at the Olympic Games, was eliminated yesterday Thursday August 1st from the series phase. '2024 Olympics: difficult start for the Burkinabè', writes the private newspaper *Le Pays*. The daily, in its sports news section, informs that after the elimination of Burkinabè judoka, Carmel Koné, Souleymane Naparé is the second Burkinabè athlete to leave the competition. Source: Burkina Information Agency

Minister Bazié exchanges with the Malian Minister of Defense in Nouakchott

Ouagadougou: The Minister of State, Minister of Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, raised issues of the AES and the latest attack against the Malian army in north of the country with the Minister of Defense of Mali, Colonel Sadio Camara, on Thursday August 1, 2024, in Nouakchott, Mauritania, on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Mauritanian president. Present in Nouakchott for the inauguration of Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, the two personalities discussed the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) and the latest attack against the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) which occurred in Tinzaouten around the Algerian border. Minister Bazié once again reiterated the condolences of the Burkinabè people on behalf of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré. In return, the Malian Minister in charge of Defense, Colonel Sadio Camara, thanked President Traoré for the support his country received during the latest events in Tinzaouten in order to track down te rrorist groups. Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Terrorism: Around a hundred students ready to join the front (Association)

Ouagadougou: The Young Students and United Students association (JEEU) announced on July 30, 2024, that it had around a hundred members, out of a final objective of 1000, ready to engage in the front in the fight against terrorism. 'This year, we decided to contribute through human resources. We have in our structure nearly 100 pupils and students who are ready to go to the front to defend our homeland. But we have the objective of reaching the share of 1000 in order to show all of Africa and the whole world that in Burkina Faso, pupils and students are more than ever standing up to fight the Forces of Evil. declared Cheick Amed Tidjane Compaoré. The president of the Association Jeunes Elèves et Etudiants Unis (JEEU) spoke on July 30, 2024 in Ouagadougou, during a public conference organized by his structure on the theme: 'Contribution of the school and student community to awakening of patriotic consciousness. 'Tomorrow, we must say that the students and pupils of Burkina Faso were a strong link in the r estoration of national peace,' added Cheick Amed Tidjane Compaoré. Mr. Compaoré recalled that last year, his association contributed 2 million 25 thousand FCFA and 20 tonnes of food to the peace effort. According to him, this public conference aims to make the school and student community understand that it 'has a fundamental role to play in the fight against terrorism' and that 'every pupil, every student must be able to understand that "he has his part to play in restoring security in Burkina Faso." The representative of the Minister in charge of the Civil Service, Ousmane David Zanné, welcomed the association's initiative before inviting Burkinabè youth to contribute to the fight against terrorism, while remaining committed to the values ??of Burkina Faso. For the sponsor of the conference, Salif Nikièma, 'this great initiative is an opportunity for him to make his contribution to the fight against terrorism by helping young people to raise the patriotic torch'. According to him, pupils and students m ust be very good patriots in this fight for sovereignty initiated by the country's authorities. Mr. Nikièma also invited the Burkinabè to support young people in order to prevent them from becoming pawns of evil forces. As a reminder, the Young Students and United Students association was created in 2021 by several high school and university leaders, with the aim of promoting leadership among its members. Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Idrissa Ouédraogo dreams of a CSC ‘useful to leaders, professionals and the people’

Ouagadougou: The outgoing president of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Idrissa Ouédraogo, expressed the wish on Friday that the institution becomes 'a robust machine of social regulation, useful to leaders, professionals and to the Burkinabè people. 'For the future, for Burkina Faso, for the institution and for the revolution underway in this complex context, I pray that the Higher Communication Council (CSC) succeeds in its transformation, its transformation into a robust regulatory machine social, useful to leaders, professionals and the people,' declared Idrissa Ouédraogo. The president of the CSC spoke Friday evening during his handover with Jean Modeste Ouédraogo, until then vice-president of the institution. During the six months of management, Idrissa Ouédraogo had in his sights 'the modernization of the institution and the States General of Communication which should reestablish the pact of actors'. 'We did what we could and God decided. But God knows better,' he said. Idrissa Ouédra ogo expressed his gratitude to God, his gratitude to President Ibrahim Traoré and his thanks to his collaborators. Source: Burkina Information Agency

The new president of the CSC, Louis Modeste Ouédraogo, took office

Ouagadougou: The new president of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Wendingoudi Louis Modeste Ouédraogo, officially took office this Friday in Ouagadougou, three days after his appointment. The new president of the CSC, appointed by a presidential decree of July 31, 2024, is a lawyer by training and consultant in legal and institutional reforms and digital law. Former secretary general of the CSC, he held the position of vice-president within the current college of advisors whose members were sworn in at the end of January 2024. After his installation, Louis Modeste Ouédraogo expressed his gratitude to the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for the once again renewed confidence in him. He is committed to assuming his responsibilities with loyalty and dedication, in the best interests of the Nation. He also launched an appeal to staff to mobilize for the various challenges, particularly in the field of regulation but also in the internal organization of the institution. The outgoing presiden t of the CSC, Idrissa Ouédraogo, thanked his colleagues who supported him during the six months at the head of the regulatory body. Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina Faso appointed vice-president of the 68th General Conference of the IAEA

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso, engaged in the construction of a civil nuclear power plant, was chosen, on behalf of Africa, to be the vice-president of the 68th General Conference of the Agency International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA), scheduled for September 16 to 20 in Vienna, Austria, AIB learned from an official source. 'The dynamism and commitment of Burkina Faso diplomacy in defending the interests of Africa within this organization have motivated the member states of the Vienna African Group to make their choice without hesitation on the country of men of integrity for assume, on behalf of Africa, the Vice-Presidency of the 68th ordinary session of the General Conference of the IAEA,' reports the communications service of the Burkinabè Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs. 'The merit of Burkina Faso has once again been recognized by its peers' declares the same source. Burkina Faso was elected to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), during the 67th ordinary sess ion of the organization's General Conference, held in Vienna, Austria from 25 to 29 September 2023. The 68th ordinary session of the General Conference of the IAEA will be an opportunity for high-ranking officials and representatives of the IAEA Member States to examine a series of subjects whose resolutions and decisions guide the actions of the IAEA. coming year. More than 2,800 participants attended the 67th General Conference, including approximately 2,550 representatives of Member States and 242 representatives of international and non-governmental organizations. Source: Burkina Information Agency