Including a child – 3 injuries by occupation bullets during the storming of Balata camp

Three citizens, including a child, were injured by Israeli occupation forces' bullets during a raid on Balata camp, east of Nablus. Medical sources reported that ambulance crews dealt with 3 injuries, including a child (14 years old), who was shot with live bullets by the occupation forces in the thigh, hand and foot, in the vicinity of Balata camp, and they were transferred to the hospital. The occupation army stormed Jerusalem Street near Balata camp Source: Maan News Agency

“Islamic Resistance”: We targeted the enemy’s Samaka & Ruwaysat al-Alam positions in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shouba hilltops

The "Islamic Resistance" issued a communique this afternoon, indicating that in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Resistance fighters directly targeted at 5:00 p.m. today the enemy's Samaka and Ruwaysat al-Alam posts in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shouba hilltops with rocket weapons. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

302 days of war on Palestine

Gaza: Israeli aircraft continued their bombardment of various areas in the Gaza Strip on the 302nd day of the war, leaving a large number of martyrs and wounded. Gaza and the North The intensity of the raids on Gaza City, especially the southern neighborhoods, escalated. An Israeli bombardment on the Abu Hasira family home in the Sabra neighborhood led to the martyrdom of ten citizens and the injury of others, according to family sources. One martyr was killed and 11 citizens were injured when a house belonging to the Mahna family was targeted on the second street in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, west of Gaza City. Six citizens were killed in a bombardment on the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, while a citizen was killed in a bombardment near the Amal Hotel, west of the city. In the south of the Strip, three citizens were killed in a bombardment that targeted the al-Najjar family home in the village of Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Yunis. Four citizens, including a woman, were also ki lled in a bombardment that targeted the Barbakh family home near the Abu Hamid roundabout in central Khan Yunis. In Rafah, paramedics recovered the bodies of three citizens from the north of Rafah city, south of the Strip. The eastern parts of the city were subjected to artillery shelling. In the middle of the Gaza Strip, the occupation army renewed its targeting of the Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Strip. A mother and her child were killed in an occupation air strike on the Al-Dayah family home in the Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip. Two martyrs were killed as a result of the occupation bombing of the Al-Judaili family home near the club roundabout in the Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip Source: Maan News Agency

302 days of war on Palestine

Gaza: Israeli aircraft continued their bombardment of various areas in the Gaza Strip on the 302nd day of the war, leaving a large number of martyrs and wounded. Gaza and the North The intensity of the raids on Gaza City, especially the southern neighborhoods, escalated. An Israeli bombardment on the Abu Hasira family home in the Sabra neighborhood led to the martyrdom of ten citizens and the injury of others, according to family sources. One martyr was killed and 11 citizens were injured when a house belonging to the Mahna family was targeted on the second street in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, west of Gaza City. Six citizens were killed in a bombardment on the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, while a citizen was killed in a bombardment near the Amal Hotel, west of the city. In the south of the Strip, three citizens were killed in a bombardment that targeted the al-Najjar family home in the village of Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Yunis. Four citizens, including a woman, were also ki lled in a bombardment that targeted the Barbakh family home near the Abu Hamid roundabout in central Khan Yunis. In Rafah, paramedics recovered the bodies of three citizens from the north of Rafah city, south of the Strip. The eastern parts of the city were subjected to artillery shelling. In the middle of the Gaza Strip, the occupation army renewed its targeting of the Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Strip. A mother and her child were killed in an occupation air strike on the Al-Dayah family home in the Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip. Two martyrs were killed as a result of the occupation bombing of the Al-Judaili family home near the club roundabout in the Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip Source: Maan News Agency

31 martyrs in 24 hours in Gaza

Gaza: The Ministry of Health in Gaza said: The Israeli occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 31 martyrs and 62 injuries arriving at hospitals during the past 24 hours. The Ministry of Health indicated that the death toll from the Israeli aggression has risen to 39,550 martyrs and 91,280 injuries since October 7. It noted that a number of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them. Israeli aircraft continued their bombing of various areas of the Gaza Strip on the 302nd day of the war, leaving a large number of martyrs and wounded Source: Maan News Agency

Americans for Palestinian Orphans concludes its summer camp in northern Gaza

Gaza: The Americans for Palestinian Orphans organization concluded its first summer camp for orphans in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday. The camp lasted for the past week and witnessed wide participation from orphaned children living under the difficult circumstances imposed by the war. The camp was held under the slogan 'Camp of Hope', aiming to provide psychological and social support to orphaned children and enhance their spirit of resilience and hope in light of the harsh conditions they live in. The camp included many recreational, educational, sports and health activities, in addition to workshops aimed at developing children's personal and social skills. The organization's coordinator in Gaza, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Ghandour, said in a speech he delivered during the closing ceremony of the camp, "We are proud of the success of this camp, which seeks to provide a glimmer of hope and joy to orphaned children in Gaza. They are the future and we are committed to providing them with all possible support to ove rcome these difficult circumstances." Al-Ghandour stressed that the camp is part of the organization's ongoing efforts to support orphaned children in the Gaza Strip, as the organization aims to improve their lives through educational, health and psychological programs. He also pointed out that the ongoing war in Gaza has had a major impact on children, making it necessary to intensify efforts to provide them with the necessary support. It is worth noting that this camp comes as part of a series of initiatives carried out by the Americans for Palestinian Orphans organization to support children in Gaza and enhance their resilience in the face of the challenges imposed by the war. It is noteworthy that many orphans and war orphans participated in the camp, including those with hearing disabilities and other motor disabilities caused by the war, as well as wounded orphan children. During the camp, the children were followed up by specialized doctors and provided with health care with the emergence of epide mic diseases as a result of the war on Gaza. At the end of the ceremony, the participating children expressed their happiness and thanks to the organization for the efforts it made to hold this camp, especially after distributing gifts on the closing day of the camp, stressing that they had a great time and learned many new skills Source: Maan News Agency

Qatari demonstration and arrests in Umm al-Fahm against the war on Gaza and in support of the prisoners

About two thousand people from the Arab community participated in a demonstration and a national march in the city of Umm al-Fahm, to demand an end to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and in support of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. The demonstration started from the city center near the Martyr Musleh Abu Jarad roundabout, passing through the city streets and arriving at the comprehensive secondary school. The Israeli police sent reinforced forces to raid the demonstration site after it ended to provoke the demonstrators, and arrested the head of the popular committee in Umm al-Fahm, Mourid Farid, the member of the Umm al-Fahm municipality and the secretary of the National Democratic Assembly in the city, Adham Jabareen, and the young man Baraa Taher Jabareen in addition to a fourth person before releasing them later, while seizing Palestinian flags in the place. The demonstration was called for by the Higher Follow-up Committee and the Popular Committees in Umm al-Fahm and the Triangle area. The demonstrators carried banners calling for an end to the criminal war, killing and genocide against the people of the Gaza Strip, and an end to the attacks and torture against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. Among the banners carried by the demonstrators were: 'Stop the bloody war on the Gaza Strip,' 'The rabid government is never satisfied with blood,' 'Desecration of sanctities is a red line,' and 'Stop the abuse of prisoners.' The mayor of Umm al-Fahm, Dr. Samir Mahameed, said in a speech that "what is happening in Gaza has not happened anywhere else in the world and we have not seen anything like it. This is a destructive war that the world is watching live without moving a finger. It is time for this war to stop and for world leaders to step up and stop it so that we can save what remains." He added, "It has never happened before that 40,000 people were killed, most of them children, women and elderly people, as well as 150 medical personnel, more than 150 press personnel and hundreds of relief personnel, in addition to the demolition of mosques, relief centres and hospitals and the prevention of food and medicine." The head of the Higher Follow-up Committee, Muhammad Baraka, said in his speech, 'Today we organized this march and demonstration, and before that in front of Megiddo Prison, in order to say enough to the abuse of prisoners who are facing forms of abuse and torture that the mind cannot accept. From proud Umm al-Fahm, we send our greetings to the prisoners of the Palestinian people and tell them that the dawn of freedom is coming inevitably.' He added, "This day was agreed upon by all Palestinians and factions in the world to be a day of Palestinian protests and rallies. Palestinian protests and activities were organized in various parts of the world under the name of the International Day to Support Gaza, the Prisoners, and the Palestinian People." Baraka addressed the assassination of Palestinian leaders, saying, 'Throughout history, Israel has assassinated most Palestinian le aders from various factions. The head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is not the first or the last. This is the method of criminal gangs and also the method of bankrupt people who believe that by assassinating leaders they defeat our people. We say that peoples are not defeated and they remain, but rather the occupation is the one that dies and armies are defeated.' He stressed that "we are required to strengthen the unity of our people here at home. It is true that I am the head of the follow-up committee and there are some issues that I was not satisfied with, but the committee gives us the space to stand on them all and it expresses what unites us and therefore it worries the institution that seeks to take it out of the law, and the last of that was when the institution tried to remove the peace-dissemination committees headed by Sheikh Raed Salah. This institution wants gangs and those who tear us apart, not those who reconcile us." Baraka concluded by saying, "We commend the meeting o f the Palestinian factions in the Chinese capital, Beijing, and the agreement reached by the factions there and in other meetings. In the name of 2 million Palestinians, we call for Palestinian consensus and unity." The young man, Baraa Taher Jabareen, said in an interview with Arab48 after his release, 'The demonstration was legal and peaceful and there was nothing illegal in it. After the demonstration ended, I returned home like the rest of the participants and suddenly the forces came to the house. I was surprised when they told me that I was being arrested on the grounds of incitement.' He continued, "When they told me the reason was incitement, I told them that this word is vague and that I did not incite and that I participated in a legal demonstration in which members of the Knesset, the Follow-Up Committee and the Popular Committee participated, and the chants were within the context, so I do not think that they are against the law." He said, "The police seized my phone and demanded a personal gua rantee, but I refused and told them that I would come whenever they summoned me. I did not allow them to provoke me and take things out of context." The National Democratic Assembly condemned, in a statement, the arrest of the secretary of the Umm al-Fahm branch and member of the municipality, Adham Jabareen, and the head of the city's popular committee, Mourid Farid, during the unified demonstration against the war of extermination in Gaza in the city of Umm al-Fahm, which was called for by the Higher Follow-up Committee and with the participation of hundreds of members of the Palestinian community inside. The statement said, "The police in Israel are acting like a militia, attacking the organizers of a peaceful demonstration and representatives of the public without any reason, arresting and attacking according to the vengeful and bloody mentality of its fascist minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and working to persecute any voice that opposes the ongoing bloody war on our people in the Gaza Strip, and aiming to break the will of our people and suppress any kind of political and national action inside." The group concluded its statement by saluting the crowds who participated in the demonstration, and called for the immediate release of detainees and the continuation of activities, demonstrations and sit-ins in various towns and regions in order to end the war and halt the dangerous march towards a comprehensive war led by the Israeli government amidst clear American support and blatant Arab inaction Source: Maan News Agency

“Jerusalem Electricity” condemns the shooting of its crews in the town of Al-Eizariya

The Jerusalem District Electricity Company condemned the targeting of its crews working in the town of Al-Eizariya, east of Jerusalem, by gunfire while they were working to combat electricity theft. The company confirmed that its field crews were subjected to direct gunfire today, Saturday, by unknown persons in the town of Al-Eizariya, east of the city of Jerusalem, while the crews were carrying out their duty to remove encroachments on electrical networks and thefts of electricity. The company stated that unknown individuals riding a motorcycle opened fire on a vehicle belonging to its crew, without anyone being harmed, in an area where many electrical thefts and attacks on the company's interests were discovered, by those who deviate from our religious and societal values and who did not like the company's efforts and endeavors to limit thefts of electricity and the attacks that affect citizens and their interests. The Jerusalem Company confirmed that it will not stop fighting the phenomenon of theft an d encroachment, and it is proceeding to remove any threat to electrical security and the right of subscribers to an electrical system without interruptions, confirming the beginning of taking legal measures against the aggressors in accordance with the law, with the aim of protecting its crews on the one hand, and preserving the rights of its subscribers in all concession areas on the other hand Source: Maan News Agency

European report: Israel increased its colonial activity in the West Bank during 2023

A European Union report revealed that Israel significantly increased its illegal colonial activity in the West Bank during 2023, stressing that this undermines the possibility of reaching a two-state solution. According to the 2023 report on illegal settlements prepared by the European Union representation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel continued its settlement plans last year. The year 2023 witnessed the construction of a total of 30,682 illegal colonial units in the Palestinian territories, including 18,333 units in occupied East Jerusalem, and 12,349 in the West Bank. While 4,427 settlement units were built in the West Bank during 2022, this number nearly tripled in 2023, and this number is considered the largest in the West Bank since 1994. The report stated that the European Union has repeatedly called on Israel to end its colonial policy. He added that Israel's decision to submit plans for approval to build new settlements in 2023 undermines the possibility of reaching a two-state solution Source: Maan News Agency

“Jerusalem Electricity” holds a meeting with the Ministry of Endowments and discusses ways of joint cooperation

The General Administration of Endowments of Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate, represented by its Director General, Mr. Mahmoud Hamad, received a delegation from the Jerusalem District Electricity Company in Ramallah, represented by Engineer Thaer Jaradat, Director of the Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate Branch, and his accompanying delegation. The delegation congratulated Mr. Hamad on assuming his new position, and discussed renewing a number of agreements concluded between the two sides. For his part, Hamad welcomed this visit, stressing the readiness of the Endowments to cooperate closely with official, civil and commercial institutions in a way that achieves benefit for all concerned parties. In turn, Jaradat stressed the policy of the General Administration of the Jerusalem Company to document and strengthen relations with all public and private institutions in all concession areas Source: Maan News Agency