Chinese President receives representatives of parliaments

Beijing, His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, received a delegation of parliamentary leaders and participants of the 2024 Interregional Seminar on the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Parliaments of Developing Countries, including MP Abdulnabi Salman Ahmed, First Deputy Speaker of the Council of Representatives. The seminar coincides with the 40th anniversary of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China joining the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), held in Beijing from August 19 to 27. During the meeting, HE the President emphasised the role of parliamentary diplomacy in strengthening relations between nations through direct communication and the exchange of views and expertise among parliamentarians. He noted that such diplomacy contributes to shared development by facilitating mutual understanding on topics of common interest and enhancing international cooperation. HE President Jinping underscored the importance of global collaboration in achieving the SDGs, highlighting the need to address pressing global challenges such as poverty, climate change, and resource shortages. He further called for increased investment in infrastructure, education, and technology to ensure sustainable progress. The seminar included the participation of Bahrain's parliamentary delegation, led by MP Abdulnabi Salman Ahmed, and showcased contributions from the parliaments of developing countries. It aims to promote modernisation and reinforce democratic practices through active public involvement with legislative and oversight institutions. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Bahrain gears up to host 2nd edition of Fintech Forward in October

Manama, Bahrain is gearing up for its second edition of Fintech Forward, which will be programmed by Economist Impact, hosted by Bahrain Economic Development Board (Bahrain EDB) and supported by the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) and Bahrain FinTech Bay (BFB). The flagship installment of 2024's Transformation Agenda series will take place on October 2-3, at Exhibition World Bahrain. Featuring a series of panel discussions, the two-day event will unite global fintech experts with financial institutions, governments, and regulators to tackle trending topics across generative AI, blockchain technologies, cybercrime, open banking, evolving consumer behaviour, the impact of new regulations, as well as best practices in prioritising sustainable financial initiatives. Against a backdrop of these insightful discussions that will deliberate on the evolving advancements and imminent challenges facing the global financial services industry, Fintech Forward will serve as a platform for both strategic collaboration and n etworking with leading players across the region and beyond. As a singular financial regulator, the CBB has consistently enhanced the competitiveness of Bahrain's financial services sector, supporting the national transition to a digital economy by pioneering new regulatory frameworks and legislation, all while introducing innovative platforms in the likes of the Regulatory Sandbox. Year after year, Bahrain EDB has continued to attract investments into focused sectors in line with national priorities, fostering ongoing discussions with the private and public sectors to create a business - friendly environment backed by progressive legislation. Further driven by a thriving financial services ecosystem that comprises a balanced portfolio of leading international conventional banking institutions alongside new financial players, including crypto asset service providers, digital payment providers, and highly-specialised firms; Bahrain has earned a reputation as a leading hub of fintech in the Middle East and No rth Africa region. Following the successful inaugural event last year, which secured attendees from across the world, Fintech Forward has cemented itself as a platform for innovative leaders to share experiences, collaborate on learnings, and connect with their peers. Showcasing Bahrain's phenomenal progress in digital transformation, expanding its fintech space, and success in developing a highly skilled talent pool to further fuel the growth of a booming industry, this year's flagship event is expected to be yet another resounding achievement. More information on Fintech Forward 2024, which will be programmed by Economist Impact and hosted by Bahrain EDB, can be found on Source: Bahrain News Agency

Labour Minister: Production parties’ cooperation strengthen market stability, resolve disputes

Manama, The Ministry of Labour emphasised its commitment to fostering cooperation among the three production parties through collaboration between company management and workers' representatives to resolve labour disputes related to employment conditions and the work environment. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, commended the efforts of the joint committees between the three production parties, which contribute to preserving the parties' rights, enhancing labour market stability, and further attracting investment opportunities in the Kingdom. The ministry's initiatives have led to a notable reduction in labour complaints, with 764 individual disputes successfully resolved between the start of 2024 and the end of June. Additionally, 3,211 labour consultations were provided to both employers and workers, ensuring a thorough understanding and adherence to their rights and obligations under the Private Sector Labour Law. Over the past four years, no collective labour disputes have been br ought before the courts, underscoring the ministry's success in mediation efforts. Source: Bahrain News Agency

HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim congratulated by HH Shaikh Hamad bin Mohammed bin Salman

Manama, Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Consort of HM the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), received a cable of congratulations from His Highness Shaikh Hamad bin Mohammed bin Salman Al Khalifa, on the 23rd anniversary of the SCW. His Highness commended the significant advancements Bahraini women have made under the leadership of Her Royal Highness of the SCW, which has elevated them to prominent roles both locally and internationally. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Saudi Crown Prince Camel Festival’s preliminary stage to conclude

Taif, The preliminary stage of the sixth annual Saudi Crown Prince Camel Festival concludes tomorrow with Al Haail and Al Zamoul (types of camels) competitions being held at the Taif Camel Racecourse. The Al Haail and Al Zamoul category, the sixth and final category approved for participation in the festival, will feature 20 rounds over two morning and evening sessions. The camels will cover a total distance of 100 kilometers, with each round spanning 5 kilometers. A total of 368 camels, 206 Al Haail and 162 Al Zamoul, will participate, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported. The preliminary stage, which began on August 10, witnessed significant participation from camel owners both within and outside the Kingdom, with a total of 2,282 owners and 11,219 camels taking part. Source: Bahrain News Agency

HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim congratulated by Finance Minister

Manama, Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Consort of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), received a cable of congratulations from Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Finance and National Economy, on the 23rd anniversary of the SCW. Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa underscored the achievements of Bahraini women, who have made significant contributions across all domains. He affirmed that these successes are a result of the support of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and the follow-up of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. The minister lauded the role of the SCW, under the leadership of HRH Princess Sabeeka. He praised the Council's efforts in empowering Bahraini women to take on leadership roles across all sectors. Source: Bahrain News Agency

HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim congratulated by Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa

Manama, Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Consort of HM the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), received a cable of congratulations from Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, on the 23rd anniversary of the SCW's establishment. Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa emphasised the unwavering support of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim and leadership of the SCW, within the comprehensive development process, led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and supported by the government, headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Supreme Judicial Council Deputy President meets Foreign Minister

Manama, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council and President of the Court of Cassation, received Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Shaikh Khalid praised the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its leadership in human rights efforts, particularly through the National Human Rights Committee. He acknowledged the Ministry's role in enhancing Bahrain's legal framework and its contributions to the Kingdom's regional and international standing. Dr. Al Zayani expressed his appreciation for the support of the Supreme Judicial Council and affirmed the Ministry's commitment to advancing Bahrain's achievements in human rights. The meeting also reviewed the progress of the National Human Rights Plan (2022-2026) and key initiatives such as the "Human Rights Pathway," which showcases Bahrain's ongoing efforts in this area. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Bahrain Fort: A vivid testament to civilisation

Manama, These verses from the Epic of Gilgamesh, inscribed in cuneiform on twelve clay tablets, echo the ancient significance of Dilmun. The cuneiform tablets were discovered in 1853. Dilmun, the island of gods and the sacred land, was sought by Gilgamesh in his quest for the flower of eternity. On the highest hills of this island, by the shores of the Gulf, the capital of Dilmun was founded. Between the sand and the sea, the identity of Dilmun emerged, revealing a civilisation rich in archaeological treasures, waiting to be uncovered. Bahrain Fort, known locally as Qal'at Al Bahrain, is not merely a military stronghold but a cornerstone of Bahrain's rich cultural heritage. The fort, which dates back to approximately 2300 BC, was first brought to global attention through the pioneering excavations led by Danish archaeologist Geoffrey Bibby in 1953. These early explorations unveiled the fort as a significant archaeological site, shedding light on the Dilmun civilisation and its extensive connections with ot her ancient cultures. In 2005, the site was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, solidifying its importance on an international scale. As Dr. Salman Ahmed Al Mahari, Director of Antiquities and Museums at the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, told BNA during a site tour: "This site reveals the historical uniqueness of Dilmun, where every layer uncovered tells a story from a different era, making Bahrain Fort an open book of history for the region." Historical Significance Bahrain Fort is a site that encapsulates the essence of the Dilmun civilisation, one of the oldest known civilisations in the region. Dating back to around 2300 BC, the fort served as a vital hub for trade and cultural exchange, linking the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Oman, and even as far as China. The fort's strategic location and its role as a capital and port for Dilmun highlight its importance in ancient times. As Dr. Essa Amin, President of the Bahrain History and Archaeology Society, explained: "If we take a cro ss-section of the hill, we can observe various layers of human activity, each representing different historical periods from the Dilmun civilisation to the Islamic era and the Portuguese period. This vertical development of the site is a testament to its continuous occupation and importance through the ages." Dr. Essa Amin further elaborated on the fort's layered history: "The design of the Bahrain Fort site museum was inspired by these historical layers, showing the vertical accumulation of civilisations. This design choice emphasises the continuous occupation and significance of this site throughout history." Archaeological Discoveries Excavations at Bahrain Fort have been ongoing since 1953, revealing only 25% of the site so far. These efforts have uncovered a wealth of artefacts, including pottery, metalwork, inscriptions, and buildings, which provide a glimpse into the lives of the people who once inhabited this land. Notably, the discovery of one of the oldest known date molasses (dibs) processing fa cilities offers unique insights into the agricultural practices of the time. The site is also remarkable for its layered history, with remains from six distinct historical periods: Early Dilmun, Middle Dilmun, Late Dilmun, Tylos, the Islamic era, and the Portuguese period. Each of these eras has left its mark on the fort, with structures built upon the foundations of earlier settlements, creating a rich tapestry of human history. As Dr. Al Mahari explained: "The site represents an open book for the history of the region. Six historical periods, identified as six historical cities, are represented at the Bahrain Fort site. Human activity in this space has created layers of artefacts, with every civilisation building upon the remains of those before them." Dr. Al Mahari also highlighted the discovery of another significant site by the sea, older than the current fort, further demonstrating the depth and richness of the archaeological findings in the area. Preservation Efforts The Bahrain Authority for Cult ure and Antiquities (BACA) has been instrumental in preserving and promoting the fort's heritage. One of the most significant projects has been the establishment of a visual corridor that extends seven kilometres into the shore, symbolising the fort's historic connection to the sea. Additionally, efforts are underway to restore and repurpose 28 traditional houses surrounding the fort, transforming them into cultural centres that reflect the area's archaeological value. These houses are owned by 28 families, and the restoration efforts will include the preservation of traditional crafts, such as the basket house, hospitality centres, and other craft houses. The area is also home to a factory producing traditional therapeutic herbal extracts, such as "laqah" and "marqadush." Dr. Salman Ahmed Al Mahari highlighted: "The integration of the site with its surroundings, including the preservation of traditional houses and the establishment of the visual corridor, underscores BACA's commitment to maintaining the his torical context and cultural significance of Bahrain Fort." Khalid Al Sindi, a heritage researcher, emphasised the site's importance in solving a historical mystery that puzzled scholars for many years, related to the location of the Dilmun civilisation, which was mentioned in Sumerian and Akkadian documents without knowledge of its location. The search for Dilmun was supervised by the Eszgar Museum in Denmark and was aided by Geoffrey Bibby in 1953. At that time, there were no museums or similar institutions, but there was direct interest from the late ruler of Bahrain His Highness Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who directed the start of excavation work to search for Dilmun. Al Sindi further explained that the Danish expedition placed Bahrain in its plan as a focal point for work. Dilmun, extending from Kuwait in the north to eastern Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and part of the UAE, found Bahrain, with the fort overlooking the Gulf, as an ideal site for excavation. There, they discovered the Dilmun port that the manuscripts spoke of as "wooden ships that came from the land of Dilmun." Visitor Engagement Bahrain Fort is the most visited archaeological site in Bahrain, with over 415,000 visitors in 2023 alone. The site has seen more than 2.4 million visitors from 2009 to 2023, making it a major attraction for both tourists and researchers. The fort's inclusion in various publications, documentaries, and cultural events has further cemented its status as a site of international importance. As Dr. Salman Ahmed Al Mahari noted: "The high visitor numbers and the fort's prominence in publications and cultural events underline its importance not just as an archaeological site, but as a cultural and educational hub for Bahrain and the world." Melanie Munzner, Archaeological Advisor at the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, described Bahrain Fort as "a site of historical importance, where the ancient capital and port of Dilmun played a pivotal role in trade and cultural exchanges across the region. Its sign ificance is not only reflected in the fort's architecture but also in the thriving palm groves and ancient sea channels that surround it." Publications and Studies Bahrain Fort has been the subject of extensive research and documentation. There are eight publications available in multiple languages, including Arabic, French, and English, detailing the fort's history and significance. These studies, alongside numerous documentaries and cultural events, have played a crucial role in bringing Bahrain Fort to the global stage. Bahrain Fort is a living narrative of the region's past and a reflection of the culture and identity of Bahrainis. As a reflection of the identity and culture of Bahrainis, the site continues to be a focal point for archaeological research and cultural preservation, remaining a beacon of Bahrain's rich heritage and a source of national pride. The ongoing efforts to uncover, preserve, and share the fort's history ensure that its legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. Sourc e: Bahrain News Agency

Final list of by-election candidates to be announced tomorrow

Manama, Counsellor Nawaf Abdullah Hamza, Chairman of the Legislation and Legal Opinion Commission, Executive Director for the by-elections to fill the membership of the Council of Representatives announced that the final lists of candidates for the first electoral constituency in Muharraq Governorate will be presented at the Supervisory Committee at Al Busaiteen Intermediate Girls School tomorrow. These lists will also be published on the official elections website, This comes following the conclusion of the legally designated period for filing appeals, with the competent court having ruled on all submitted appeals. Consequently, the final lists shall be approved. The Executive Director said that the supervisory committee will begin issuing the voter lists to the candidates starting tomorrow, Thursday, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The Executive Director announced that the supervisory committee will commence accepting applications for candidate agents from August 22nd until August 31st. Each candi date will be permitted to select voters registered in the district's electoral roll as their agents before the polling and counting committee. The application must be accompanied by the candidate's application receipt, a copy of the agent's ID card, and two personal photographs. Applications for candidate agents may also be submitted through the official elections website, Regarding any request for withdrawal from the candidacy, Nawaf Hamza indicated that the final deadline for submitting withdrawal requests for the by-elections is August 28, in accordance with the law, which allows a candidate to withdraw by submitting a written notification on the designated form to the supervisory committee at least ten days before the election day. Source: Bahrain News Agency