Health Ministry launches Cholera Vaccination Campaign in anticipation of renewed spread

The Public Health Ministry's media office issued the following statement today: 'After the emergence of cases of cholera in Syria and in anticipation of the spread of cholera again in Lebanon, the Health Ministry launched last Monday a vaccination campaign against the epidemic in various towns in the governorates of Baalbek-Hermel, Bekaa, and Akkar, as they are scientifically classified as the most exposed to the risk of the spread of the epidemic." The statement added that the campaign is taking place with financial support from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and technical support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. It added that 130 field teams have been deployed in the aforementioned governorates in cooperation with partner organizations, including Doctors Without Borders, Amel, and MEDAIR. "The number of vaccines administered until yesterday, Friday, reached fifty-six thousand seven hundred and nine vaccines (56,709)," the statement went on, adding that "the campaign will continue in the coming weeks until the desired results are achieved." In this context, the Public Health Ministry urged citizens in the targeted towns to respond to the campaign and take the free vaccine to protect their health and safety. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

Islamic Resistance: Air strike with a drone on the headquarters of the Western Brigade, south of Ya’ara settlement

The Islamic Resistance issued a communique this afternoon, indicating that in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in response to the enemy's attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, the Islamic Resistance fighters launched a drone attack today on the headquarters of the newly established Western Brigade, south of the Ya'ara settlement, targeting the locations of its officers and soldiers and hitting them with precision. In an earlier communique, it also indicated that its fighters targeted at 10:15 a.m. today a deployment of enemy soldiers around the Miskaf Am outpost, directly hitting them with appropriate weapons. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

Occupation forces arrest a young man and two girls from Jerusalem

Jerusalem - Ma'an - Israeli occupation forces arrested a young man and two girls from Bab al-Sahira in occupied Jerusalem on Saturday evening, after assaulting them. Local sources reported that the occupation forces assaulted a girl in the Bab al-Sahira area, and when a young man tried to protect her, the forces severely beat him before arresting him and two girls from the area. Source: Maan News Agency

Abdallah thanks Algeria for providing 40 scholarships to Lebanon after oil aid

MP Bilal Abdullah wrote on his "X" platform account: "After the exceptional oil aid to Electricité du Liban, here is Algeria offering 40 scholarships to Lebanese students, through the Ministry of Education...Many thanks to Algeria for this solidarity stand with our country in its ordeal, and for helping our young men and women obtain a diverse university education, especially in light of the unfortunate return of classism in private university education." Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

Several citizens injured in settler attack south of Hebron

HEBRON - Ma'an - A number of citizens, including two women, were injured and bruised on Saturday evening in an attack by settlers under the protection of Israeli occupation forces in the village of Susya, south of Hebron, in the southern West Bank. The official agency reported that a group of armed settlers attacked the village and assaulted the citizens with clubs, which caused a number of citizens to suffer bruises and wounds, including a citizen (62 years old) who was hit in the head with a stone, and another (52 years old) who was attacked with blows to the head and all over her body. Source: Maan News Agency

Hamas delegation to arrive in Cairo this evening

Hamas announced in a statement that its delegation will arrive in Cairo this evening at the invitation of mediators in Egypt and Qatar, to listen to the results of the negotiations held in the Egyptian capital. Hamas confirmed its commitment to what it agreed to on July 2, based on the Biden Declaration and the Security Council resolution, and while stressing its readiness to implement what was agreed upon, it called for exerting pressure on the occupation and obligating it to stop obstructing reaching an agreement. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

UNRWA Director meets with Head of PLO Department of Refugee Affairs

Ramallah- Ma'an- Director of UNRWA Affairs in Lebanon Dr. Dorothee Klaus met today with Dr. Ahmad Abu Houli, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and head of the Department of Refugee Affairs. The meeting was also attended by the Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Ashraf Dabbour and the head of the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee Dr. Basil al-Hassan. The meeting discussed the situation and challenges facing Palestine refugees in Lebanon, in addition to UNRWA's activities. The discussion also touched on recent regional developments and the funding challenges facing UNRWA, especially since its current funding is secured until the end of September. Dr. Klaus highlighted the urgent need for sustained financial support to enable UNRWA to continue its vital operations in Lebanon. Dr. Ahmad Abu Houli stressed the importance of coordination and maintaining full funding for UNRWA in Lebanon in a manner that is adequately proportionate to the needs to provide full service c overage to all refugees. The meeting also addressed the situation in Ein el-Hilweh camp and the need to coordinate efforts to ensure a safe and peaceful learning environment for schoolchildren in the camp. Participants affirmed their commitment to supporting UNRWA's vital work and ensuring it receives the funding and support it needs to continue providing essential services to Palestine refugees. Source: Maan News Agency

UNICEF: 19,000 orphaned children in Gaza due to aggression

UNICEF spokesman Kazem Abu Khalaf revealed today the details of the suffering of children who lost their parents in the Gaza Strip. He explained to the Palestinian News Agency "Wafa" that the issue of orphaned children is called "unaccompanied children" due to the horrors of the aggression, whether the father is in the south, and the son remains with his mother in the north, or vice versa, or both were martyred during the war. According to the organization's official website, the spokesman indicated that "the number of unaccompanied children in Gaza is a purely estimated number because we cannot accurately determine the numbers." He added: "From our experience as an institution working in war and conflict zones in the world, out of the total number there is a percentage of 1 percent of unaccompanied children, whose father or mother may be alive, or orphans," and he confirmed that there are "1.9 million displaced people in Gaza, and therefore, the estimated number is 19 thousand unaccompanied children who m ay be orphans or whose parents were separated from them by the war." He noted that "these numbers are estimates and are measured by experience and conflict zones, and are less than 1% of the total number of displaced persons." Source: National News Agency - Lebanon