Social Development Minister highlights Bahrain’s efforts in charitable work

Manama, Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, highlighted Bahrain's leading role in promoting charitable and humanitarian work. In a statement marking the International Day of Charity, the minister commended Bahrain's charitable achievements, in line with the comprehensive development process, led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and supported by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. The minister highlighted royal efforts that focus on charitable initiatives, highlighting HM the King's directives to redirect budgets allocated by official authorities for the Silver Jubilee celebrations. He also commended His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, HM the King's Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, Board of Trustees Chairman of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF), in achieving significant international charitable outcomes. Bahrain's sustainable development policies have positioned the Kingdom as a leader in charitable efforts, with official and private institutions adopting these policies to advance social and community development, the minister added. Al Asfoor also added that the ministry has implemented measures to support 675 civil society organisations through technical and professional assistance to enhance their role in social and charitable development. He emphasised the ministry's commitment to regulating charitable activities and empowering non-governmental entities to fulfil their institutional and social responsibilities. He commended the initiatives and projects of these entities in serving the Bahraini community and promoting cooperation and humanitarian values. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Information Minister: Royal pardon reflects HM the King’s wise humanitarian approach

Manama, Dr. Ramzan bin Abdullah Al Noaimi, Minister of Information, hailed the Royal Decree issued by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, pardoning 457 inmates, in celebration of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's Accession. The minister emphasised that this royal initiative reflects the wise and humanitarian approach of HM the King, which prioritises the reinforcement of values and practices of tolerance, as well as supporting all that contributes to the stability and cohesion of society. This noble gesture demonstrates HM the King's care for all citizens, offering those pardoned a new hope for positive reintegration into society and motivating them to contribute to the service of the Kingdom and participate in the comprehensive development process, under the leadership of HM King Hamad, the minister added. Dr. Al Noaimi highlighted Bahrain's strong and advanced human rights and legislative, under the directives of HM King Hamad, with the support of the government, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. The minister said that these efforts have solidified justice, equality, and dignity as fundamental pillars of society, fostering continued national achievements across various domains. The minister also commended the efforts of the Ministry of Interior and all law enforcement entities in their pioneering rehabilitation programmes and initiatives, which have enhanced Bahrain's position regionally and internationally in this domain. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Jaafari Endowments presents funds allocated royal initiative to support charities

Manama, In implementation of the directive of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to redirect budgets allocated by official authorities for the Silver Jubilee celebrations through the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF), the Jaafari Endowments Directorate held a ceremony today to present the funds to charitable associations. During the ceremony, Yousef bin Saleh Al Saleh, Chairman of the Jaffari Endowments Council, delivered a speech, expressing pride in the royal initiative, which highlights HM the King's commitment to fostering social cohesion through charitable work. He also commended the ongoing support of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, for humanitarian initiatives. Al Saleh also commended the role of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Representative of HM the King for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of RHF, in advancing Bahrain's charitable efforts. He highlighted HH Shaikh Nasse r's contributions in implementing royal directives and strengthening the Kingdom's standing in the field of humanitarian work both regionally and internationally. Al Saleh noted that, upon receiving the funds allocated by the royal directive, the Jaafari Endowments Directorate promptly formed a working team to set the necessary criteria and oversee the distribution to charitable associations. The team worked efficiently and completed its tasks within a short timeframe, coordinating with the Ministry of Social Development and the charitable associations to gather the required information, he added. Al Saleh said that a total of 68 charitable associations were included, which offer support to 30,698 individuals. The sole criterion for distributing the funds was based on the number of individuals each association supports. On his part, Nidhal Al Banna, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Isa Town Social Charity Association, delivered a speech on behalf of the charitable organisations, expressing gratit ude to HM the King for the initiative, which represents HM King Hamad's commitment to charitable and humanitarian efforts. He also highlighted the role of the RHF, led by HH Shaikh Nasser, in overseeing the implementation of the royal directives. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of certificates to the heads of the charitable associations, who expressed their gratitude for the royal initiative which is a reflection of comprehensive social care. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed hails royal vision of promoting volunteer work

Manama, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence, underscored Bahrain's role in charitable and volunteer work, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and supported by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. In a statement marking International Day of Charity, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed hailed HM the King's initiatives, including a call for a Middle East peace conference and establishing the King Hamad Award for Peaceful Coexistence to promote openness and understanding between different religions and cultures. This also includes providing educational and healthcare services to those affected by conflicts and redirecting budgets allocated by official authorities for the Silver Jubilee celebrations. Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed also emphasised the importance of international cooperation to promote peace, security, and solidarity. He a lso commended the efforts of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, HM the King's Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, Board of Trustees Chairman of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF), in advancing RHF's efforts, particularly in providing aid to those affected by disasters and crises. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Shura Chairman lauds royal pardon decree

Manama, Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh, Chairman of the Shura Council, commended the decree issued by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, pardoning 457 inmates in celebration of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's Accession. Al Saleh highlighted that this pardon reflects His Majesty's commitment to justice, compassion, and social stability, showcasing his dedication to fostering unity and family cohesion. He also emphasised Bahrain's ongoing efforts to strengthen human rights, recognising the government's role, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, in supporting these initiatives. Al Saleh further noted Bahrain's progressive approach to human rights, with successful programmes such as the Open Prisons Programme and Alternative Sentencing initiatives, which help rehabilitate and reintegrate individuals into society, contributing to national development. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia discuss renewable energy cooperation

Manama, Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak bin Dainah, Minister of Oil and Environment and Special Envoy for Climate Affairs, along with Yasser bin Ibrahim Humaidan, Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, and Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, President of the Electricity and Water Authority (EWA), met with a high-level Saudi delegation led by Nasser bin Hadi Al Qahtani, Assistant Minister of Energy for Electricity Affairs, in the presence of representatives from the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF) and ACWA Power. The meeting, held in line with the outcomes of the third meeting of the Saudi-Bahraini Coordination Council chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Bahrain, and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, focused on enhancing cooperation in renewable energy between the two kingdoms. The meeting also underscored the strong ties between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and thei r shared commitment to sustainable development. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Bahrain EDB announces multi-city visit to India to highlight key investment opportunities in Bahrain

Manama, Bahrain Economic Development Board (Bahrain EDB), the island nation's investment promotion agency, is set to kick off a multi-city tour across India on September 9-14, led by Noor bint Ali Al Khulaif, Minister of Sustainable Development, Chief Executive of Bahrain EDB, along with senior members of Bahrain EDB. The week-long visit will include a series of select events and meetings to showcase value-adding opportunities across priority sectors, namely manufacturing and information and communication technology (ICT), to targeted investors. Designed to strengthen economic and trade ties between the two countries, as well as promote high-impact investment opportunities in Bahrain, the delegation will visit the cities of Mumbai, Bengaluru and Chennai; reinforcing Bahrain's commitment towards maintaining a favourable and innovative investment ecosystem, enabling Indian businesses to expand in Bahrain and beyond. 'Bahrain's strategic location at the heart of the Gulf and proximity to India, coupled with our progressive policies and welcoming business environment, makes it an ideal hub for Indian enterprises looking at expanding their global footprint. With a robust pipeline of projects and strong interest from Indian investors, we are eager to showcase the wealth of investment opportunities Bahrain offers. This visit is a testament to our commitment to deepening bilateral ties, and forming strategic partnerships that will drive mutual growth and prosperity for both Bahrain and India' Minister Al Khulaif said. According to Bahrain's Ministry of Industry and Commerce, there are close to 10,900 Indian companies and Indian joint ventures registered in Bahrain as of 2023 (including their branches), which witnessed a growth of 62% since 2019. India is also Bahrain's sixth-top investing country, with Indian FDI stock growing by 36.6% between 2019 and 2023, adding an average of USD 102 million each year and inward FDI stocks from India reaching USD 1.52 billion in 2023, accounting for around 4% of Bahrain's total FDI stock. Many prominent Indian companies, which include Tech Mahindra, Chemco, Electro Steel, Parle Biscuits, JBF Industries, Ultra Tech Cement, ICICI Bank, SBI Bank, and Kim's Health, have established operations in Bahrain benefiting from its unmatched value proposition that enables business to expand across the GCC market and the wider MENA region. Bahrain EDB has several offices in strategic locations around the world including Mumbai, to promote Bahrain as a destination for investment. Supported by its headquarters in Bahrain, the Mumbai office serves as on-the-ground location to provide businesses in India with market intelligence, guidance and connecting them with the relevant decision-makers for various processes. Bahrain remains committed to fostering a supportive ecosystem for investors, with forward looking policies aimed at simplifying business operations, offering unique competitive advantages leading to success stories with local roots and global impact. These factors, combined with a highly skilled, bi-lingual, and diverse talent pool, advanced infrastructure, and strategic location, continue to cement Bahrain as an attractive destination for global investors around the world. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Speaker lauds royal pardon decree

Manama, Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam, Speaker of the Council of Representatives, commended His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's royal decree pardoning 457 inmates, issued in celebration of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's Accession. Al Musallam highlighted that the pardon reflects His Majesty's compassionate leadership and commitment to ensuring the well-being of all citizens. He noted that this gesture strengthens family bonds and helps reintegrate those pardoned into society, promoting social cohesion. He also underscored the efforts of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, in supporting rehabilitation initiatives such as the Open Prisons Programme and the Alternative Sentencing Project, which help reform individuals and support their return to society. Al Musallam praised the efforts of General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Minister of Interior, and other institutions dedicated to upholding human rights and fostering community stabili ty. He noted that these efforts contribute to reinforcing the values of tolerance and unity in Bahrain. Source: Bahrain News Agency

Bahrain condoles with US over high school shooting victims in Georgia

Manama, The Kingdom of Bahrain expressed sympathy and solidarity with the United States of America, following the shooting at a high school in Georgia, which resulted in a number of deaths and injuries. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ministry conveyed condolences to the US, its government and people and to the families of the victims of this tragic incident and it wished the injured victims a speedy recovery. Source: Bahrain News Agency

SIU releases its report for the second third of 2024

Manama, The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) unit received nine complaints in the second third of this year, involving allegations of torture, mistreatment, and excessive use of force by Public Security Force members, said Mohammed Khalid Al Hazza, the Acting Attorney-General and Chief of the unit. He said the SIU has promptly initiated investigations into all cases. Following its procedures and international guidelines, the SIU conducted interviews with 28 complainants and witnesses, while interrogating 29 Public Security Force members. Seven complainants were also referred for forensic and psychological evaluations. The SIU concluded one investigation related to assault, resulting in a Public Security Force member being sentenced to three months in prison by the Minor Criminal Court. The sentence was later upheld on appeal. Two other security personnel were referred for disciplinary action by the Military Courts after separate investigations confirmed the validity of complaints against them, warranting further accountability. In another case, the High Criminal Court dismissed a civil claimant's challenge to the SIU's decision not to pursue criminal charges over alleged mistreatment during arrest. The court ruled that the SIU's investigation was comprehensive, fair, and followed all necessary procedures. Source: Bahrain News Agency