KSrelief Mobile Medical Clinics in Yemen’s Abs Provide Services to 313 Patients

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's (KSrelief's) mobile medical clinics continued to provide treatment services to beneficiaries in the Abs District of Yemen's Hajjah Governorate. From August 21 to August 27, the clinics provided necessary medical services to 313 patients with various health conditions. Additionally, the clinics provided medication to 300 individuals. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Al-Ahsa Showcases Culinary Heritage at Gastronomy Exhibition

Al-Ahsa, a UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Creative City, participated in the prestigious Creative Cities of Gastronomy Exhibition held in Buraidah, Saudi Arabia. Joined by 18 other UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) members, Al-Ahsa showcased its rich culinary heritage in partnership with the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, and the Culinary Arts Commission. A highlight of Al-Ahsa's participation was a live demonstration of baking the iconic Al-Ahsa red bread by renowned baker Faisal Al-Rabi'a. His expertise captivated international chefs and showcased the unique flavors of the region. Craftswoman Ayat Al-Muhaimid further enriched Al-Ahsa's representation by sharing recipes for other traditional breads and exploring potential fusion with international cuisines. Beyond culinary delights, Al-Ahsa also showcased its vibrant local culture and historical heritage through a dedicated handicrafts and folk arts corner. Visitors were treated to liv e demonstrations of traditional crafts like wicker weaving, providing a glimpse into the city's rich cultural tapestry. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Madrid Joint Statement on Implementation of the Two-State Solution

Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah participated today in the meeting of the representatives of the Ministerial Joint Contact Group of the League of Arab States and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (the Kingdom of Bahrein, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Palestine, the State of Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Trkiye, the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation); and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Representatives of Ireland, Norway, Slovenia and Spain, which was held in Madrid. The following joint statement was issued after the meeting: 'We, Representatives of the Ministerial Joint Contact Group of the League of Arab States and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Kingdom of Bahrein, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Palestine, the State of Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Trkiye, the League of Arab States and th e Organization of Islamic Cooperation; and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Representatives of Ireland, Norway, Slovenia and Spain; met today in Madrid, in the midst of the worst crisis that the Middle East has suffered in many decades, to reiterate our joint commitment to the implementation of the two-State solution, as the only way to establish lasting peace and security. During the years of the peace process, the parties and the international community have defined terms of reference and parameters for the implementation of the two-State solution, based on relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, rules and principles of International Law, and the Arab Peace Initiative. Instead, unilateral illegal measures, settlements, forced displacement and extremism have frustrated both people's hopes for peace. Since October 7th an unprecedented tragedy of unspeakable human suffering and violations of international law are unfolding before our eyes, and undermining international peace and security. We condemn all forms of violence and terrorism. We call for the credible, irreversible implementation of the two-State solution in accordance with international law and agreed parameters, including the Arab Peace Initiative, to achieve a just and lasting peace that fulfils the rights of the Palestinian people, to ensure the security of Israel and achieve normal relations in a region where stability, security, peace and cooperation prevail. Thirty three years after the Peace Conference that was held in this city, the parties and the international community have not been able to deliver on our common objective, which is still valid: ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, that started in 1967, and bringing about a reality where two independent and sovereign States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace and security, integrated in the region, based on mutual recognition and on effective cooperation for shared stability and prosperity. We welcome the Advisory Op ini?n of the International Court of Justice of 19th July 2024. We reiterate the necessity of empowering the Palestinian Government to fulfill all its duties throughout the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem. We fully support the ongoing mediation efforts undertaken by Egypt, Qatar and the United States, and we reject all actions aiming at hindering this mediation process. We are calling repeatedly for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages and detainees. We also call for the reestablishment of the full control of the Palestinian Authority over the Rafah crossing and the rest of the borders and the full withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from Gaza, including from the Philadelphi corridor. There is an urgent need for the immediate, unconditioned and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale through the opening of all the Israeli crossings, and support for the work of UNRWA and other UN agencies. We urge all parties to comply with oblig ations under International Humanitarian Law and to implement the orders of the International Court of Justice. We warn of the dangerous escalation in the West Bank and urge an immediate halt to military attacks against the Palestinians, as well as to all illegal measures that undermine the prospects for peace, including settlement activities, confiscation of land and displacement of Palestinians. We emphasize that the legal and historical status quo at Jerusalem's Muslim and Christian Holy Sites be upheld and recognize the key role of the Hashemite Custodianship in that regard. We call to hold all measures leading for regional escalation. The international community must take active steps to implement the two-State solution, including universal recognition of the State of Palestine, and its admission as a full member of the United Nations. We underline that the question of recognition is an essential element in this new agenda for peace, leading to mutual recognition of both Israel and Palestine. Today, we recommit to our joint peace efforts to advance the implementation of the two State solution. We recall that our countries have agreed on the need to convene as soon as possible an international peace conference. With these objectives in mind, we call on the parties and all the members of the United Nations to join the broader meeting on 'The situation in Gaza and the implementation of the two-State solution as the path to a just and comprehensive peace', on the margins of the next session of the UN General Assembly on 26th September 2024.' Source: Saudi Press Agency

Ethiopian Islamic Council Praises Saudi Arabia’s Contributions to Islam

The President of the Islamic Council in Addis Ababa, Sheikh Sultan Aman, lauded Saudi Arabia's pioneering role in serving Islam and Muslims worldwide. He highlighted the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance's efforts to organize intensive scientific courses to train imams, preachers, and religious scholars in Ethiopia. These courses aim to promote moderation and enhance the skills of those engaged in religious instruction. Sheikh Aman expressed his gratitude to Saudi Arabia for its invaluable services to Islam and Muslims, noting the Kingdom's significant contributions to Ethiopia's religious community. He noted the many scholars and preachers who have graduated from Saudi universities and the Kingdom's generous support during Ramadan, such as distributing dates to break fasting. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Ambassador to Somalia Meets with Galmudug Vice President

The Saudi Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia, Ahmed Al-Mawlid, has met in Mogadishu with the Vice President of Galmudug Regional State of Somalia, Ali Taher Eid. The two sides reviewed cooperation and ways to enhance it. Vice President Eid expressed his appreciation to Saudi Arabia for its continuous support for Somalia. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Foreign Minister Arrives in Spain for Meeting on Gaza, Two-State Solution

Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah arrived in Spain's capital Thursday to participate in the ministerial meeting for coordinating on the situation in the Gaza Strip and steps towards implementing the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian question. Participating in the Madrid meeting are members of the ministerial committee assigned by the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit on Gaza, along with the European Union, Norway, Slovenia, and Ireland. The foreign minister will also address preparations for the pertinent high-level event on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79). Source: Saudi Press Agency

Not the Philadelphia Tunnels.. Hebrew Newspaper Reveals Smuggling Route to Gaza Over the Years

Yedioth Ahronoth confirmed that smuggling into Gaza occurred before the Philadelphi Tunnels and that the ground operation in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip "has ended" pending a political decision to withdraw through a swap deal, or without it. The Hebrew newspaper indicated in a report that the Israeli army leaders realized, with the passing of days, weeks and months of fighting in Rafah, that most of the smuggling operations were taking place above ground and not through the tunnels in "Philadelphi". The newspaper wrote: "These leaders realized that the smuggling of weapons and raw materials needed to produce ammunition in the Gaza Strip had been carried out over the years generally above ground and without hindrance, and not through the Philadelphi Tunnels." She added: "Hamas even blew up many of the tunnels itself in order to close them, and it was later found that they were blocked on the Egyptian side as well." The Israeli newspaper considered that all the reports of the Israeli military correspo ndents coming from Rafah have the first and last goal of embarrassing the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and it says: "He no longer has anything to do in Rafah, not even in the Philadelphi corridor." Source: Maan News Agency

Netanyahu government informs Supreme Court that army is facing resistance in Gaza and Hamas is in control

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the Israeli government told the Supreme Court that the army is still facing resistance in Gaza from underground and above it. While the debate in Israel about future control over the Gaza Strip continues both in public opinion and in decision-making rooms, in another response to the Supreme Court that discussed the petition surrounding the issue of humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza, 'Israel does not retain effective control over the territory of the Gaza Strip.' According to the language of the response, "To this day, Hamas has the ability to exercise its governmental powers in the Strip," according to what was reported by the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. This came in an additional response to a petition submitted by organizations including Gisha - Center for the Protection of the Right to Movement, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and Physicians for Human Rights, which filed a petition against the state due to the humanitarian situati on in the Gaza Strip during the war. The judges have already held several discussions on the issue in recent months and are periodically briefed on the situation in the Gaza Strip, but have not yet decided on the fate of the petition. According to the state's updated response, "it can be said in short that the IDF presence at this time is limited, both in terms of its nature and in terms of its deployment in the designated areas within the Gaza Strip, which does not allow for effective oversight and the exercise of governmental authority within them." 'Throughout the war, IDF forces operated in various areas of the Gaza Strip according to a concrete military need for a limited period of time, and then withdrew from them shortly thereafter. This was during IDF operations in the northern Gaza Strip in the first months of the war, and during its operations in the Khan Yunis area and the Rafah area,' the report said. 'Throughout the war, IDF forces did not remain for long in areas of the Gaza Strip where ther e was a significant civilian presence, and were unable to effectively control the areas where they operated… Philadelphi. These are areas where there is no Gaza population at all, and therefore do not give Israel effective control.' 'We must add to this that in the context of operational activities, IDF forces continue to encounter armed resistance from enemy forces, underground and above ground, through the planting of explosive devices, anti-tank fire, sniper fire, shooting from steep paths, rocket fire, attempts to lure our forces into besieged homes, and more,' she added, noting that this resistance has been a feature of the fighting in all areas of the Strip since October, and that the fierce battles in the Strip have left heavy losses, including more than 300 IDF soldiers killed since the beginning of the war, and thousands of IDF soldiers wounded. It was said that "Israel dealt a serious blow to Hamas and its military capabilities, but these capabilities have not yet been ruled out, and violent confr ontations continue." According to them, 'Hamas is once again active in the areas from which the Israeli army withdrew and is trying to rebuild its strength there,' as 'to this day, Hamas has the ability to exercise its governing powers in the Strip and continues to seek to exercise its powers while investing many efforts and resources. This effort is expressed on several levels, the most important of which are: 'drawing up policy, activating security mechanisms, and establishing new security apparatuses to deal with public order, with the aim of receiving aid and allocating it to the movement's needs, the flow of funds into the Strip, and distributing salaries and distributing aid.' The response stated that 'Hamas is again trying to re-establish itself in the areas where the IDF is maneuvering, to the point that it has forced the IDF to return and operate in those areas. It is clear that Hamas is constantly working to try to quickly restore its infrastructure in the areas where the IDF is maneuvering, and t o allow for its rapid return to government and military activity after the IDF withdraws and with the return of residents to the area. As is clear, and as was presented in detail during the procedure, especially in the discussions that took place as one party, under the current fighting conditions in the Gaza Strip, Israel does not maintain 'effective control' over the area.' Source: Maan News Agency

Saudi Arabia Urges Global Cooperation for Sustainable Food Security

Saudi Arabia has called for a concerted global effort to achieve sustainable food security through long-term strategic shifts and enhanced international cooperation. In a speech at the Group of Twenty (G20) agriculture ministers' meeting in Brazil, Environment, Water, and Agriculture Minister Abdulrahman AlFadley emphasized the need for innovative solutions and practical measures to address growing food needs. AlFadley acknowledged the progress made in technology and innovation but stressed the continued need for investment in agriculture to increase productivity and build resilience in food systems. He highlighted the importance of improving access to sustainable financing for agricultural development. Saudi Arabia has actively encouraged domestic and foreign investments in its agricultural sector, resulting in a significant increase in agricultural loans and a 35% growth in the sector's contribution to gross domestic product (GDP). AlFadley called for addressing supply-chain and input issues to stabili ze prices and maintain efficient food markets, urging countries to avoid trade restrictions that can negatively impact global food security. The minister emphasized the importance of stakeholder engagement, including the private sector and civil society, to achieve common goals for sustainable food systems. He commended Brazil's Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty initiative and highlighted the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's (KSrelief's) efforts to support food-security projects in 78 countries. AlFadley also addressed the One Health approach, emphasizing the need to address antimicrobial resistance to protect food systems. He invited participants to the fourth Global High-Level Ministerial Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in November. Source: Saudi Press Agency

A message from Yahya Sinwar to Hassan Nasrallah

Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas Yahya Sinwar sent a message on Friday to the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, in response to a congratulatory and condolence message sent by Nasrallah following the martyrdom of the former head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on July 31. Sinwar began his message by saying: 'We in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas received with great appreciation and pride your generous message, congratulating and offering condolences for our two martyrs and your comrade in jihad and resistance, the nation's deceased, the mujahid leader, Mr. Ismail Haniyeh 'Abu al-Abd,' head of the movement's political bureau, and his companion, the mujahid brother Wassim Abu Shaaban 'Abu Anas.' We thank you for your solidarity, mixed with sincere and noble feelings, which were expressed by your blessed actions on the fronts of the resistance axis, in support, backing, and engagement in this battle. W e ask God Almighty to bless your efforts and protect you and your country from all harm.' Al-Sinwar added: 'Our martyr leader, the symbol of the nation and Palestine, Abu al-Abd, ascended in the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, one of the most honorable battles of our Palestinian people in history, on the path of the martyr leaders, so that his blood, the blood of his sons, grandchildren and family, meet with the great sacrifices made by our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and the occupied interior, confirming that the blood of our leaders and mujahideen is not more precious than the blood of our people, and that this intelligent blood and blessed convoys of martyrs will increase in strength and power in confronting the Nazi Zionist occupation.' Al-Sinwar stressed that Hamas "will remain, as it always has, steadfast on the path of loyalty to the blood of the martyrs, and that the lofty principles that the martyred leader Abu al-Abed called for will remain steadfast and present and will be followed b y its movement and our fighters, foremost among which is the unity of our Palestinian people on the option of jihad and resistance, and the unity of the nation with the axis of resistance at its heart in the face of the Zionist project in defense of our nation and our sanctities, foremost among which are Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, until the occupation is defeated and swept away from our land, and our independent state with full sovereignty is established with Jerusalem as its capital." On August 6, Hamas announced the selection of Yahya Sinwar as head of the movement's political bureau, succeeding the martyr Ismail Haniyeh, making him the fourth person to head Hamas's political bureau after Musa Abu Marzouk (1992-1996), Khaled Meshaal (1996-2017), and Ismail Haniyeh (2017-2024). Source: Maan News Agency