Tuesday, September 17, 2024

11:00. Session for the House Committee of Human Rights, chaired by MP Michel Moussa 11:30. MP George Adwan chairs a session of the Administration and Justice Committee Source: National news agency - Lebanon

In preparation for land confiscation – the occupation forces the Alian family to demolish their home in Beit Safafa

Jerusalem - Ma'an - The family of Ahmad Alian was forced, on Sunday, to demolish their home in Beit Safafa, with their own hands, under the pretext of "confiscating the land" on which the building was built. Today, a session was held in the occupation court to consider the appeal submitted by the family against the demolition decision, but the court rejected the appeal and insisted on carrying out the demolition. The Alian family explained that the occupation authorities have been trying for years to confiscate the land and seize it, under various pretexts and excuses, and recently decided to demolish the house that has been in existence for 23 years, in addition to paying a land use fee of 'one million shekels.' Abdul Aliyan, one of the landowners, said that the building and stone are compensated, and today we have a new battle to preserve the land and prevent its confiscation. Alian's house is located among dozens of settler homes, and for years the occupation authorities have been confiscating the fami ly's lands to pave roads or implement construction projects for the settlers. Today, the occupation authorities are trying to confiscate new parts of the family. The Alyan family confirmed that they have all the papers and documents that confirm that they own the land, and they will go to court to recover it. The house area is 120 square meters, and 5 people live in it. Source: Maan News Agency

The Supreme Council of Churches calls for the defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Prophet’s birthday

Jerusalem - Ma'an - The Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine called on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad to defend the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the place of the Prophet's ascension to heaven, and to save the first Qiblah of Muslims from attempts to Judaize and control it. The committee stressed in a press statement issued by its chairman, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Dr. Ramzi Khoury, that Al-Aqsa Mosque is a trust that belongs to everyone on this fragrant anniversary. It must be preserved, and the danger that threatens its status and sanctity must be confronted, as it threatens occupied Jerusalem and its Christian holy sites. The committee added that this anniversary of the birth of the Messenger of Mercy, Humanity, and Justice for All is celebrated by our people, Muslims and Christians, in a firm embodiment of their unity, destiny, and belief in their right to their land and holy sites, and their stead fastness in the face of the policies and measures of the occupation and terrorist settlers. The committee pointed out that the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet, peace be upon him, passes while our people are exposed to genocide, starvation and displacement in Gaza, and killing, destruction, arrest and persecution in the occupied territories, including Jerusalem and its holy sites, calling on people of conscience, countries and institutions to lift the injustice and oppression and stop the massacre that this people who have long awaited justice on earth are being subjected to. The committee called on God Almighty to return this anniversary with the achievement of our people's goals of return and freedom in their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and for the Arab and Islamic peoples and humanity as a whole, with more security and peace. Source: Maan News Agency

Hebron: A young man was injured by the occupation forces’ bullets west of Beit Ula town

HEBRON-Ma'an- This afternoon, a young man was shot in the right foot by the occupation forces, near the apartheid wall west of the town of Beit Ula, west of Hebron. Local sources said that the young man was injured in the right foot and citizens took him to the hospital for treatment. The number of people injured by the occupation forces' bullets west of the town of Beit Ula rose to three citizens within 24 hours, as two young men were injured by bullets yesterday. Source: Maan News Agency

Hebron: Woman miscarries during settler attack on citizens’ homes (Video)

Hebron - Ma'an - A settler attack on citizens' homes in the neighborhoods of Jaber, Salaymeh, Wadi al-Hussein and al-Ras in the city of Hebron resulted in a woman miscarrying and terrorizing citizens in those areas. Hussam Al-Jaabari said that the settlers' attack on the homes of members of his family led to the miscarriage of Nidal Al-Jaabari's wife, who was taken to the hospital for treatment. Aref Jaber, an activist in the Human Rights Defenders Association who lives in the area, said that settlers, under the protection of occupation soldiers, threw stones at the houses and uttered racist and obscene language to the residents. Bassam Al-Ja'bari, a resident of the area, also pointed out that the settlers have escalated their attacks during the past few days, which usually begin after midnight. Source: Maan News Agency

Minister of Culture meets his Russian counterpart and discusses mechanisms for joint cooperation

St. Petersburg - Ma'an - Palestinian Minister of Culture Imad Hamdan met with his Russian counterpart, Olga Lyubimova, in St. Petersburg, Russia, to discuss mechanisms to enhance joint cultural cooperation between the two countries. Minister Hamdan stressed the strength of Palestinian-Russian relations at various levels, especially with regard to the cultural aspect, stressing the need for continued cooperation between Palestine and Russia in all aspects, and the importance of supporting the cultural infrastructure in Palestine. Minister Hamdan thanked his Russian counterpart for receiving the Palestinian delegation and providing the opportunity to convey the message of the Palestinian people and their suffering, and the ongoing war of extermination in Gaza, during his speech that he delivered before dozens of ministers at the 10th International Forum of United Cultures. In turn, the Russian Minister confirmed Russia's continued support for the Palestinian people and interest in the cultural aspect, and Ru ssia's readiness to support the Palestinian people and Palestinian intellectuals, especially Palestinian children, expressing full readiness to receive Palestinian children in several projects to reduce the difficult psychological impact they are exposed to. The Russian Minister stressed the need to continue cooperation in the academic aspect and the readiness to accept Palestinian youth to receive education in Russian cultural institutes. Source: Maan News Agency

Details of the expanded meeting of the Central, Revolutionary and Advisory Committee

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Palestinian National Liberation Movement "Fatah" held an expanded meeting on Sunday of the Central Committee, the Revolutionary Council and the Secretariat of the Advisory Council, in continuation of following up on the existential challenge imposed by the Israeli occupation on our people in its ongoing aggression, and the war of genocide waged by the criminal gangs ruling the occupying state, and the steadfastness, resilience and resistance of our people in all fields to end the occupation and embody our national independence. The movement decided to remain in an open meeting, stressing that our people are united and determined to break the occupation's miserable attempts to resolve the conflict militarily, and will remain at the forefront in the field and politically, building, developing and strengthening the construction of institutions, and standing with its people to provide the requirements for steadfastness, just as it stands in the face of colonialism and colonists. She stres sed the adherence to the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of our people, and the continuation of developing its performance and strengthening its institutions, as well as the political movement in the region and the world to enhance the status of the State of Palestine, and to subject war criminals to international legal accountability and hold them accountable for their ongoing crimes in Gaza and the West Bank, including Jerusalem, of killing, destruction and siege. In its meeting, the movement affirmed the unity of the homeland, politically and geographically, and its keenness on national unity within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and that it will move forward to achieve this unity as a basic condition for victory over the occupation and its crimes. The movement decided to take practical measures to strengthen the structure of the movement and call on all its members to close ranks and return to Fatah, as the occupation targets all Palestinia ns, present and future. Fatah Movement decided in its meeting today to begin implementing internal decisions for the unity of organizational work in all arenas, to develop the performance of the movement's commissions, to continue constructive dialogue with our partners in the Palestine Liberation Organization, to reach an agreement with those outside it for the benefit of the homeland and resistance to the occupation, and to prevent any interference in Palestinian national affairs. The movement rejects any political or administrative arrangements for the Gaza Strip outside the framework of Palestinian legitimacy. Fatah movement reiterated its stubborn resistance to displacement, colonization and destruction, and the occupation's attempt to erase the right of return and cancel the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Jerusalem will remain at the forefront of national action priorities, stopping the ongoing barbaric aggression on Gaza and supporting our people th ere, rebuilding what the occupation is destroying, and working to bring in medical and food relief supplies. She said: 'We will continue our political movement with our brothers and friends, especially with the convening of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and the importance of working diligently to stop the aggression and punish the occupation and its officials, and accelerating the implementation of the decisions of the International Court of Justice, in addition to the arrival of President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership to Gaza, and working to achieve full membership for the State of Palestine in the United Nations, and obtaining more recognition for the State of Palestine.' She pointed out that the political movement focuses on exposing the crimes of the occupation against our brave female and male prisoners, as they are being abused, their dignity violated, they are being assassinated and some of them are being forcibly disappeared, stressing support for the work o f the Palestinian National Authority and enabling it to perform its duties, and forcing the occupation to stop its invasions and destruction of our cities, villages and camps and the piracy of our money. The Fatah movement decided to hold the twelfth session of its Revolutionary Council next month to formalize and follow up on the implementation of the movement's decisions related to reviving the movement, activating the frameworks of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and continuing to resist occupation and colonialism. The movement congratulated our people and our Arab and Islamic nations on the occasion of the birth of the Prophet. Source: Maan News Agency

Weather: Partly cloudy and temperatures around their annual average

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Meteorological Department reported that the weather today, Sunday, will be partly cloudy to cloudy, with no significant change in temperatures, which will remain around their annual average. The winds will be northwesterly, moderate to active in speed, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. In the evening and night hours, the weather will be pleasant in most areas, and there will be a weak chance of scattered light rain in some areas. The winds will be northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. Tomorrow, Monday, the weather will be partly cloudy to cloudy, and temperatures will drop to become slightly below their annual average, and there will be a chance of scattered showers of rain in various regions, and the winds will be westerly to northwesterly, moderate to active in speed, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. On Tuesday, the weather will be partly cloudy, and temperatures will ris e slightly to around their annual average. There will be a weak chance of scattered light rain in some areas. The winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. Next Wednesday, the weather will be partly cloudy, with no significant change in temperatures, remaining around their annual average. The winds will be northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, sometimes active, and the sea will be light to medium in wave height. Source: Maan News Agency

37,000 new liters of fuel were brought in to continue operating water facilities and provide them in Gaza and the north.

Ramallah - Ma'an - Acting head of the Water Authority, Ziad Al-Fuqaha, announced on Sunday the completion of the entry and distribution of 37,000 new liters of fuel needed to continue operating several water wells in the Gaza and North Gaza governorates, to be distributed to 41 water facilities, including 37 wells and 4 sewage pumps. The jurists stressed, according to a statement issued by the Water Authority, that "despite the increasing difficulty of the situation as a result of the ongoing destruction operations, we are working continuously to secure the quantities of fuel needed to continue the operation of water wells and sewage stations, in a way that ensures the provision of safe and clean water and limits the flow of wastewater." The jurists praised the Water Authority crews working in the field in the most difficult and dangerous conditions, which require working for continuous hours to secure and distribute these quantities. Source: Maan News Agency

Abu Obeida blesses the Houthi attack

Jerusalem - Ma'an - The military spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, Abu Obeida, said that the movement "blesses the qualitative operation carried out by the Yemeni armed forces this morning, which targeted a military target near Tel Aviv. We also appreciate the dear Yemeni people's stand alongside their brothers in Palestine and their readiness to make sacrifices for this purpose." He added, "The nature of the weapon used in the operation, the type of target it targeted, and other details that we informed our brothers in Yemen of constitute a qualitative shift that will have important repercussions on the course and outcomes of the Battle of Tufan al-Aqsa." He stressed that "the Zionist entity, which is still mired in the Gaza quagmire, and which today fails with its allies to thwart or intercept a single missile, is too incapable to expand the war to new fronts from which it will receive thousands of missiles and many surprises, and that a stupid step like this will mean that Ne tanyahu is leading his worn-out entity towards a certain disaster." Source: Maan News Agency