The Center for Women in Business at AUB's Suliman S. Olayan School of Business is hosting a thought-provoking panel discussion titled "Bridging Media, Academia, and Business for Greater Impact on Women's Lives" this May 14 at the Maamari Auditorium, American University of Beirut (AUB). This event underscores the pivotal role of academia in driving actionable solutions for gender equality, and explores how collaboration across media, academia, and business can pave the way for greater impact on women's lives. The event will feature a panel of distinguished guests including Maguy Abou Ghosn, an actress and prominent figure in media and advocacy, whose insights have sparked critical conversations on gender equality; Nadine Jaber, an accomplished screenwriter whose stories have shed light on the socio-economic challenges faced by women globally; Emilie Wahab Harb who brings her expertise in business and development , offering valuable insights into harnessing economic opportunities for women; and Dr. Nada Khadd age-Soboh, director of the Center for Women in Business at AUB, whose academic pursuits have centered on leadership and gender studies, enriching our understanding of the complexities surrounding women's issues. Facilitating the conversation is Dr. Imad Bou-Hamad, whose expertise in academia and media will add to the dynamic and engaging exchange of ideas. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

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