The office of Caretaker Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Bassam al-Mawlawi, issued a statement today, indicating that "units of the Internal Security Forces have begun implementing the security plan in Tripoli since yesterday." Security patrols covered the north region, especially in the streets of Tripoli and inside commercial markets. "The Mobile Forces Unit also conducted patrols and set up barriers to suppress shooting crimes," the statement added, noting that those involved were arrested and handed over to the relevant authority for legal action. Meanwhile, the Northern Regional Command, the Investigation Detachment in the Regional Gendarmerie Unit, the Judicial Police, the Information Division and the Central Investigation Detachment in the Security Service worked to intensify investigative efforts and collect information about the shooters to ensure their arrest. The statement underlined continuous cooperation and coordination with the Lebanese army and the General Directorate of State Secur ity in this regard, adding that Minister Mawlawi is following up on the implementation of the plan with the security leaders, officers, and units responsible for the on-ground implementation. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon