SDAIA Launches Campaigns to Raise Awareness of Personal Data Protection Law

The Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) announced the launch of several awareness campaigns on the law of Personal Data Protection, issued by Royal Order No. (M/19) dated 9/2/1443H. In its capacity as the competent authority overseeing the implementation of the law's provisions and regulations, SDAIA aims to protect personal data, preserve the privacy of individuals, and set controls for processing personal data. It also aims to enhance trust in electronic transactions and curb negative practices resulting from the processing of personal data. The law was amended by Royal Order No. (M/148) dated 5/9/1444H, and it entered into force on 29/2/1445H (September 14, 2023). Entities covered by the law's provisions were granted a period of no more than one year from the date of its entry into force to adjust their status, as stipulated in Article Three of Royal Order No. (M/19) dated 9/2/1443H. Throughout the year, SDAIA, through its National Data Management Office (NDMO), has launched several awareness campaign s across various stages, targeting different age groups and nationalities. The objective of these campaigns is to raise awareness of the Personal Data Protection law, enhance individual responsibility in protecting their personal data, clarify the responsibilities of data controllers when processing personal data to preserve the privacy of individuals. The campaigns also aimed to explain the importance of sharing personal data responsibly with entities to enable individuals to obtain and improve the quality of services, thereby contributing to a better quality of life. Additionally, the campaigns aim to build mutual trust between entities and individuals when dealing with personal data, fostering stability in transactions related to this type of data and achieving the objectives of building a data-driven digital economy. Source: Saudi Press Agency