For the first time since the start of the war on Gaza.. Al-Qassam announces the capture of occupation soldiers in Jabalia camp

The spokesman for Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas movement, Abu Ubaida, announced on Sunday that members of the brigades were able to capture Israeli occupation army soldiers during an operation in the Gaza Strip. Abu Ubaida said, in a televised speech, that Al-Qassam fighters 'carried out a complex operation yesterday afternoon, Saturday, in the northern Gaza Strip, where they lured a Zionist force into one of the tunnels in the Jabalia camp.' He added that Al-Qassam fighters "trapped this force in an ambush inside the tunnel and at its entrance, and were able to engage its members from zero distance." Abu Ubaida explained that when a support force arrived, Al-Qassam members attacked this force with explosive devices, stressing that they "killed, wounded, and captured all members of the force, and seized its military equipment." Abu Ubaida's speech included video scenes showing the removal of one of the bodies of those killed by the Israeli occupation army, who were detained in the operati on inside a tunnel, in addition to a number of machine guns, helmets, and military clothing, pointing out that this was 'what was allowed to be published.' In his speech, Abu Ubaida said, 'The enemy government continues its blind and absurd policy of revenge and destruction and moves from failure to failure, the last of which was in the Jabalia camp and the city of Rafah' in the southern Gaza Strip. He added that their fighters 'continue to teach the occupation lessons on the battlefields.' Abu Ubaida pointed out that they 'carried out dozens of operations against enemy forces over a period of more than two weeks in Rafah, Jabalia, and the city of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.' He pointed out that 'the enemy army is marketing the exhumation of the remains as a military and moral achievement.' Abu Ubaida considered that 'the occupation forces are digging up the remains of their captives for the sake of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's personal accounts.' Source: National Iraqi News A gency

Security Media Cell: A terrorist element arrested in Erbil Governorate

The General Directorate of Intelligence and Security arrested a terrorist element in Erbil Governorate. The Security Media Cell indicated in a statement, 'The continued high joint coordination between the security forces in the center and the region had positive results, as accurate information was received about the presence of a terrorist element in Erbil Governorate, and through security cooperation, the detachments of the Erbil Intelligence and Security Directorate affiliated with the General Directorate of Intelligence and Security in the Ministry of Defense was able to arrest this terrorist wanted by the judiciary in accordance with the provisions of Article (4) of terrorism, as legal measures were taken against him and he was handed over to the requesting party. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

2 suspects, who targeted a restaurant with an explosive device, east of Baghdad, arrested

The Baghdad Operations Command revealed the circumstances of the targeting of a restaurant in the Palestine Street area, east of the capital, Baghdad, with an explosive device. The command stated, in a press statement today, Sunday, that 'two unidentified persons riding a motorcycle threw a homemade explosive device, according to the opinion of a forensic expert, in front of the door of one of the restaurants within the 605 block in the Palestine Street area in Al-Rusafa, which caused damage to the facade of the restaurant only.' It added, "The exits of the area were closed and a joint work team was formed with intelligence support. The accused were identified, reached and arrested, and the motorcycle and weapons (pistols) in their possession were seized and they were handed over to al-Qanaa Police Station to complete the legal procedures against them. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Maysan police arrest a person who held his father at gunpoint

Police forces in Maysan arrested a person who held his father at gunpoint in one of the areas of the governorate. The Maysan Police Command said in a statement, a copy of which was received by the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA): 'its detachments received a call from a citizen about his son being detained at gunpoint, and as a result, a security force was directed to the place and arrested the accused after inferring the place of detention and the release of the detainee.' It stated: 'After interrogation, the accused was found to be using drugs, and he was referred to the Maysan Anti-Drug Directorate. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Qassam Brigades bombed Tel Aviv with a missile barrage

Sirens sounded at noon on Sunday in Tel Aviv for the first time in a few months, and explosions were heard in several areas. The Israeli army said that at least 8 missiles were fired towards central Israel, from the city of Rafah in the far south of the Gaza Strip, where its forces are fighting Palestinian militants. The Israeli army added in a statement: 'Following up on the warnings in the center of the country, there is talk of the launch of 8 rocket shells from the Rafah area towards Israeli territory, where the air defenses were able to intercept several rocket shells.' For its part, Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced the bombing of Tel Aviv with a large missile salvo in response to the Israeli massacres against civilians. Sirens sounded in 'Kfar Saba, Herzliya, Sofin, Tel Aviv, and Beit Hatikva.' Source: National Iraqi News Agency