Arab Culture Ministers Conference Focuses on Cultural Industries and Digital Transformation

Rabat: The 24th session of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Cultural Affairs in the Arab World convened today in Rabat, Morocco, under the theme Cultural and Creative Industries: Challenges of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence. The event brought together culture ministers from across the Arab world, alongside representatives from regional and international organizations. According to Saudi Press Agency, the conference's agenda included presenting a forward-looking plan for developing cultural industries in Arab nations, reviewing and adopting the recommendations of the Permanent Committee for Arab Culture, and discussing arrangements for the 25th session of the conference. The opening session emphasized the Arab world's rich cultural and creative resources and the necessity of leveraging these assets to drive economic development. Discussions also focused on embracing digital transformation and artificial intelligence to modernize cultural industries and enhance global competitiv eness. Participants highlighted the importance of adopting global best practices in cultural and creative industries to foster innovation and economic growth while preserving and promoting Arab cultural heritage. The conference is expected to produce actionable strategies to position Arab culture as a cornerstone of sustainable development and global cultural exchange.