Traditional Dishes of Al-Baha: A Major Draw for Visitors to the Region

Al-Baha, Nestled in the southwest of Saudi Arabia, the Al-Baha region is renowned for its unique culinary heritage. Its traditional dishes, known for their distinctive flavors and health benefits, have become a major draw for visitors from near and far. The region's cuisine is a testament to the preservation of culinary traditions, with its delicious and aromatic flavors resulting from age-old recipes and cooking methods passed down through generations. Among these dishes are Daghabees (dough disks cooked in meat or chicken broth with a rich blend of aromatic spices), Fattah (layers of small pieces of bread mixed with dates, milk or honey, and ghee), Marqouq (thinly rolled dough disks slowly cooked in a stew of meat and various vegetables and spices like potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cumin, and coriander), and Areeka (cooked dough served in a dish decorated with dates and with ghee and honey in the middle). Despite the availability of modern food options, these traditional dishes remain popular, even amo ng the younger generation. Al-Baha residents take pride in showcasing such dishes at various gatherings and festivals held in the region. The region's abundance of seasonal fruits, including apricots, peaches, plums, grapes, figs, bananas, and pears, further enhances Al-Baha's culinary appeal, making it a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts. Source: Saudi Press Agency